7 - I'll Be Back Soon

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"Dude, she going through something rough right now, you can just leave her like that!"

"What if she has a child, I won't be able to take care of that child!"

"So you're going to leave her because you decided to have sex with her and not take responsibility for your actions!"

"I'm sorry mom!" I look around and see that I was in Billie rooms.

How'd that happen? The last thing I remembered was being in Mike's arms.

I heard Billie and Mike arguing outside the door, I couldn't hear well, but they included my name several times. I felt like I didn't belong here, I knew I couldn't go through the door and saw Billie had a window. And there was a tree next so I can climb down. I left a note so they wouldn't get worried, more like Mike worried, I don't think Billie does care out me.

I open up the window and start climbing down the tree and jump off the tree, landing with a thud. I decided to walk around and find out what my neighbor was like. I found a park and went to a small area where there was a pond.

"Does anyone care about me, I feel Mike is the only one that does care"

"I care about you Joanna, well I am you, but Billie isn't worth it. If he just wanted you for your body, he's not worth it"

I continued walking, talking to myself, and found some guys doing drug dealing in an alley way. I heard there were some drugs that make you feel better, but have bad side affects. The people saw me looking towards their way and ran away, afraid of getting caught.

I found a some train track, and sat down. These track weren't being used because there was plants all around and the tracks were all broken apart.

I sat down and looked at the setting sun. What's the point of life when you can't even enjoy it. A group of people started to come my way, I wasn't scared of them, but I was curious about them. They looked punked out, all of them having their hair dyed, with ripped jeans and a band t-shirt. Two of them was girls and three of them was guys. They looked at me, I could see that they were stoned, and they could see that I was in pain.They all looked at each, and one of them nodded. I did something that day I would never regret.

-Mike POV-

"Dude, this all your fault, she over heard us!" I said, Billie was being a dick, he doesn't want to be with Joey just because she might get pregnant.

"How is this my fault!?"

I passed him the note Joey had written.


I'm going a away for a while, just to get my thoughts straight. I'm not sure when I'll come back, I'm just really confused and I just want to be alone for a while. Don't worry too much about me, and Billie if I ever have a child with you, you don't have to worry about it.

I had to go look for Joey, something bad can happen to her.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to look for her"

"Wait, I'm going with you"

"You're the one who caused this all, it's better that you stay"

"It's getting dark, and I'm not letting you go alone!"


We looked everywhere but couldn't find her, I had a bad feeling that she isn't alright. I needed her to be in my arms, to make sure she's safe.

"Maybe she'll come tomorrow, it's getting late and I have to go back home Mike"

"I can't stop now Billie, what if something bad happened to her!"

"Dude, do you love her?"

"I'm not sure, ...it's not like in a relationship love, but more of a sibling love. She's special Billie,..... I can't even explain it"

"Just give her some time, she'll probably be back by tomorrow"

We went back home, I couldn't let go of the idea that something bad has happened to Joey. I fell asleep to the thought.

A/N - ooooh, so what do you think Joanna did, comment on what you think she did. Thank you for reading my story, I feel so happy when you amazing people read it. Here take a cookie as a present for reading my story. :D

New Town, New Life (Green Day Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang