15 - I Walk This Empty Street

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I have never felt so confused in my life before. Jimmy would have fights because of who we slept. We would have our nights, but it usually when we were high or drunk. I had gotten a job at local diner, I worked as waitress. We were starting to run low on money so some of us had to get jobs so we could pay off the rent. We've been having trouble paying the rent. I've been listening to more punk music and it's starting to change my lifestyle. I've become good friends with Billie and the guys. My birthday was a week ago, I don't tell anyone about my birthday because it just gives me unwanted attention.That Gabriella still bothering, not as much though. I finally put my dads guitar into good use now. I'm learning to play it, so far it's going bad.

"Jimmy get your ass off the couch and look for god damn job!" I been getting pissed at him, he does nothing to help.

"I'll get one when I find one" he walk away and was headed for the door.

"We're getting kicked out of this apartment, we all have to help. You're not an exception. If we don't pay the rent we're not going to have roof to live under. Is that what you want." I shut the door and block. He grunts and goes into his room.

"Joey, you should calm down" Layla says as he tries too calm me down.

"It's just wrong of him that he doesn't even try."

"That's him, he doesn't care about anything"

"But they already sent us a card that if we don't pay them in a few days we'll have to move"

"Joey, we- never mind you should get some rest. It's late."

They had an extra room and they cleaned for me. So that was my room. I felt that they were hiding something from. I just went to sleep and tried to forget everything. Pretend as if everything is alright.


I was woken up by some sounds coming outside my room. It's was like three in the morning, I went to check it out. I brought with me my baseball bat (you never know when you might need it) and went to the living room. Nothing was there, literally. It was as if some one took all the stuff just leaving behind the furniture. It was quiet, too quiet.

"Jimmy, Layla? Is anyone here?" I say, thinking maybe it was just them messing with me.

I went to jimmy's room, the same. Nothing was here, his messy room was now just a an empty room with a bed in the middle. I went to the other two rooms to check as well, the same. I turned The door knob, hoping they were all there. That they jump out of the closet or something and say it was just a joke. I open the door, emptiness was the only thing I saw. I fell to my knees and started crying. They all left me, what am I suppose to do now. I went into the kitchen to see if they left any food for me.

There was note on the fridge door

"Sorry we had to leave without you Joey. We have our reason and we don't want you to be part of something that might harm you. We found enough money to pay the apartment it in my drawer. Please, if you read this, forgive me. It was for the best."

There was small package connected the note. I opened it up and it had picture of the group at Gilman, dancing to music and some other places. There was one that was me and jimmy kissing. I got mad at just looking at it. I took it to the stove and burned it up. I took all the pictures and tore off Jimmy in the pictures and burned them. I didn't want to remember him. I was going to tear it up another, but it was picture of me, him, and Layla. I started to cry again. I need to get out of here for tonight, I don't feel safe being alone in this apartment.

I walked down the street, it was probably dangerous.

"Hey, kid, want some candy" some random dude said and I told him yes.

No not really, I reject his offer, I already knew they were 'green' candy.

Then he walked away. I continued to walk alone then I felt some one grab by my waist. I tired to struggle out the person grip but could...

A/N - ooooh, what do you think is going to happen to Joey? I want to hear what you think it going to be?

Also if your name is Blaise Rae, then you would understand the Candy man. You inspired me!

So comment, vote and so on. Pleas tell me if there are any errors.

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