21 - Teenagers

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"Billie! Billie! Billie wake up!" I tried to wake him up but all I got from him were grunts.

I gave up and tried waking up the others. They were easier to wake up, but mike didn't seem to be a morning person. Neither was I but somehow I managed to wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to go back to sleep.

"Come on billie! Fine. Two can play it at that game" I heard him grumble something. I went into the kitchen and found a bucket. I filled it up with cold water. Mike saw me and he seemed to be confused why I has a bucket.

'Why do you have a bucket filled with water?" He asked. I brought a I finger up to my lips, telling him to stay quiet.
"I'm going to wake up billie" I said in a whisper. A grin spread across his face.
"Can I help?" I nodded my head and we both headed for Billie's room.

We spilled some water the way, when we got to billie a few drops were spilled on him. He was sleeping on top of his stomach so he couldn't see us.

"What the hell--" when he turned around we dropped the bucket filled with water and his face was priceless. Me and mike were laughing our heads off.

"What the actual fuck?! Why'd you do that for!?"
"You wouldn't wake up but no you are. You're welcome" I say still laughing.

We all got ready for school and headed towards school. Tre and mike already left so it left me and Billie.

"I'm gonna get you back y'know"
"Oooh I'm so scared"
We stayed silent for a bit then he spoke again.

"What do you plan on doing after you graduate?"
"Huh..." his sudden question caught me off guard,"I'm not sure... I mean I want to be there for you guys but I still want to get a college education...how about you?"
"I don't plan on graduating, I'm gonna drop out soon. School is getting on the way in our band"

We stayed silent for the rest of the walk to school. He really is serious about the band. We- I mean, I would be graduating high school in a year. This school was almost over, just a few more months then it's summer vacation.
I was suddenly pulled out of my thoughts when I fell down to the floor. I saw a group of laughing at me.

"Hey, you should watch where you're going" a guy said, most likely he was the one who tripped me.
"You should watch who you're messing with" I say as I pushed him to the floor,. I knew that was a stupid thing to do but I couldn't let him get away with this.
He got up and snickered and said,"bad idea..." he then grab me by the collar of my short, my face inches from his,"but, since your cute, I'll leave this as a warning..." he pushed me away and left.

Cute!? Cute?!? I am not cute! No one can call me cute, I just hate it. I noticed that Billie wasn't with me anymore, where is he when you need him?

I had to spend the rest of the day alone, Billie disappeared in the morning. He didn't show up for any of his classes.

I had the feeling that I was starting to get attention now, but the bad type of attention. People have been calling me names now and even been thrown paper balls at me. I just wanted to go home now.

As the day went by painfully slow, I noticed there was a town fair coming up. Seemed like fun to me, I usually don't go to things like these because I was terrified of crowds or places that had many people. I still hate crowds, but I can handle being the crowd.
I took a poster so I didn't forget about the event.

Once I got home from school and the draw a, I changed and made myself a sandwich. I heard the doorbell ring, and I opened up the door and saw Hayley standing in front of me...

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in the longest. I really do like writing this story but I just don't have the time to actually write. So I might not update this often, but I'll try my best to do so. Don't forget to vote and comment and yeah... -Joey

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