Chapter 42 ~Devestation*

Começar do início

She was in Neverland. She was in a hopeless love. She had been turned into a mermaid. And she knew that Neverland was at war. When she pictured war, she imagined two large groups of people. Two armies surging towards each other and fighting to the death.

But they were up against Ursula. One being powerful enough to conquer the entire island with a simple flick of her wrist, and that was the only angle Wendy could think to stop her.

Ursula had the power to take over, yet she hadn't done it. She was playing some twisted game. Some sort of revenge against Pan, and all Wendy could hope for was for her to make a mistake.

Wendy was tired of it all. She didn't want to stand and do nothing just waiting for something to go wrong with her own plan. This time, Wendy wasn't going be the victim. If she was presented with the opportunity, she would stop Ursula herself.

This would be her final act on the island.

Wendy was sure Rumple intended to take her somewhere far away from Pan. Far enough he wouldn't check to see if she was actually alive.

If this was her way of saying goodbye, the risk seemed worth it.


Pan could still hear Tinkerbell's useless screaming as Rudolph dragged him out of the mouth of the cave. He figured her sudden urge to defend him was because of her. Because of the guilt Tink felt for his grief over his love....

"What does Ursula want with me now?" Pan asked, though his dehydrated voice only came out a whisper. The past few days since Tink's capture, Ursula had been requesting him. Or...what he assumed was Ursula. Every time Rudolph dragged him somewhere, he would lead Pan to the ghost town of one of his old camps. One Lost Boy would be there waiting for there arrival.

And then that kid would beat the crap out of him. No explanation what so ever. But Pan realized after the first time, it wasn't really the Lost Boys. It was liked they were all checked out. Ursula's brainless soldiers.

Rudolph continued to stare blankly forward as he gripped Pan's arm taking him deeper into the jungle, "I don't know who you mean."

"Of course you don't!" Pan laughed, but again it sounded like a quiet wheeze, "She has you brainwashed. Open your eyes, Rudolph! Come on!"

"I don't understand." His robotic voice replied back.

"Great talk." Pan replied bitterly. He tried to mentally prepare himself for whatever Lost Boy's torture methods decided to be. He tried to prepare himself for the pain. Perhaps then, it wouldn't hurt so badly.

He realized with a sudden gasp where Rudolph was taking him. They were emerging the Dark Jungle. Powerless, and hands bound, Pan jerked away from Rudolph. Rudolph simply tightened his grip on his arm and together they were surrounded in darkness.

So this was how it was going to be? A Lost Boy was going to kick his ass in the dark where he couldn't see what part of his body needed to be protected. Maybe Ursula was going to get all of them this time. Pan's stomach lurched, his pulse beat rapidly in his ears.

Rudolph stopped him from continuing on and Pan thought his panic was going to swallow him whole. This wasn't like him. He finally realized how powerless he was without his magic. Without the use of his bound hands. He was helpless.

"That will be all, my dear Ru." Her voice cut right through Pan's heart. Ursula was still wearing her façade. The one she knew would break Pan.

"Your majesty." Rudolph stalked off, but Pan couldn't believe his ears.

"Your majesty?" Pan growled in Ursula's direction. He couldn't see her face. Not like the darkness was blanketing her, which it was, but like it would physically pain him to see the face of the girl he had loved.

Pan's RedemptionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora