Shelby’s lids felt so heavy.  She was lethargic and tired.   “Just a few minutes,” she muttered so low that Leo could barely hear her, “Just a few more minutes of sleep and then we‘ll go.”

Leo chuckled softly while carefully laying her in the center of his bed, the bed they would share from now on.  Pulling the covers up to her neck he tucked them tight under her chin to help regulate her body temperature.  The first twenty four hours was always the worst.  As the vampire cells attacked the last of the human blood cells in her system it would chill her until they finally rid her of every last one of them.  

Leaning in he pressed the sweetest of kisses against her cheek.  Standing above her he took a moment to admire how exquisitely beautiful that she was.  Her ceramic skin gleamed in the candle light of the room.  The think blond waves of pure silk haloed her face making her appear like a sleeping angel.  His Angel, his salvation.

Sighing softly Leo whispered at her ear, “You’re not going anywhere, my beautiful bride. Not today, not tomorrow nor for the rest of eternity.  Your home now and I will never let you escape me.  You are finally home sweet home.”

It was dark.  It was cold and I was alone.  The night was eerily quiet  as I tracked through the woods alone.  Alone.  Was I really alone?  It feels like someone is watching me, but when I look back over my shoulder there is no one there, I am alone.

Where am I?  Where am I going?  There is nothing but darkness and trees and the smell of fresh pines surrounding me.  Looking up I can see the full moon, but not a single star in the sky.

What is wrong with this picture?  What am I doing?  Why in the hell am I outside?  Panicking I start to turn aorund in circles as I tried to make some semblance of what was happening around me. 

“Sweet, you  have nothing to fear,”  a melodic voice called out from behind startling me.

I froze.  The words were like a lullaby rocking me at the center of my very own soul.

“Who’s there?“ I asked feeling more than a little rattled.  The multitude of feelings that I was suddenly experiencing at this very moment, I had never felt before.  Excitement, giddiness, aching, wanting but for what I did not know.

The voice seemed to be familiar but yet I couldn't pin point who it actually was.

“It is I, your husband,” the voice replied confidently.

Turning around I was about ready to ask him exactly which crazy train that he just got off of when I gasped in shock, it was him.  The stranger that saved me when I was only ten years old.  My sexy suave Knight that came to me night after night in all my recurring dreams.

He grinned giving his face the appearance of a God like creature that women across the world would worship daily if they had the opportunity.  

There was something off about him though.  Something different, something  predatory.

“Come,” he said holding his hand out to me.

It was a command that I could not ignore.  We were like two magnets drawn to each other.   I strode forward and took his hand, no questions asked.  The stranger pulled me into his arms so that our bodies were flush against each other and I swear I could hear the strong steady beat of his heart.  

Blood Bound- Book 1 of the Bonded Series- CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now