All the blond boy could do was shrug.

"Maybe I'll ask him when I'm at his house again."

"You guys are friends?" Caspar asked gruffly.

"No, I'm dating his sister, Zoe. He's the middle child, but he's really protective of his younger brother for some reason." Alfie paused. "He's not that bad though."

"He hates me," Caspar scoffed. "He isn't 'that bad' to me."

Whatever Alfie was going to say died at the tip of his tongue when Jim, Marcus, and a smaller boy walked in. Jim was wearing his normal attire to a wrestling match; a suit, which stuck out like a sore thumb among all the other managers who wore casual attire. Marcus was already dressed in his gear. Marcus turned to the smaller boy and spoke to him long enough for Caspar's eyes to rake over his body. The boy was wearing yoga pants with a tank top and cardigan, fringe pushed to the right side of his face. He nodded at whatever Marcus said before hugging him, wrapping his arms around the wrestlers neck. (Caspar would be lying if he said he didn't look at the boys ass).

"There he is," Alfie said, before looking over at Caspar, who was staring openly at the boy next to Marcus. "Whoa, dude, are you checking out Joe?"

The small boy pulled back and walked over to Jim, who also hugged him. He gave them a wave before walking out. Caspar's eyes followed him out before he licked his now dry lips.

"His name is Joe?" Caspar asked. "He's pretty, really nice to look at."

Marcus looked over at Caspar, giving him a blank look before turning back to his manager, rolling his shoulders back and cracking his neck.

"Better not let Butler hear that," Alfie warned, making the blond wrestler look at him. "He'll castrate you."

"It's not like I'm doing anything," Caspar said with ease. "Besides, I'm used to him kicking my ass."

Alfie gave an airy laugh. "When it comes to Joe, you'll get murdered. He isn't very protective of Zoe, but he's really, really, protective of Joe. Probably because Zoe is old enough to take care of herself."

"Well how old is Joe?"

"Only nineteen," Alfie said. "While Marcus is twenty three and Zoe is twenty five."

"He's young," Caspar observed. "Not young enough for it to be weird though, I'm the same age as Marcus. Maybe I'll get lucky and get to take Joe on a date."

As if hearing the mention of his younger brother and the word 'date' come from Caspar's mouth, Butler looked over at them and then started heading over to them, a small smirk on his face.

"Hey Lee," Marcus called out as he approached his opponent. "Ready to get your ass beat again?"

"Yeah, yeah," Caspar grumbled. He was also going up against Quinn Johnson, and Freddy Susack. They were both weak, so even if he was defeated once, he would still move onto the next round. "I'll get my ice bath ready."

"Good because I have my lucky charm here, even if I don't need him to win."

"Who's your lucky charm?"

"My baby brother," Marcus eyes darkened as he crossed his arms across his chest. "Did you see him come in here?"

Oh yeah, Caspar thought. I saw more than enough to get interested.

"No," The South African lied. "Who is he? What's he look like?"

"You don't need to know," Marcus snapped. "I don't need anymore filthy wrestlers putting their paws on him."

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