"You will choose one, and you'll love it. I'll wait for your answer, even if we have to be here all day." She stubbornly folds her leg on the other, crossing her arms over her chest, and tilting her head up to the ceiling. "Mal," I call her name, only making her shake her head, pointing to the folder with the themes. "Mal come on, I don't want to start an argument." I almost plead with her, hearing her groan loudly.

"Malarie, sweetheart, maybe he doesn't want to choose a wedding theme because the woman usually does." Nia attempts to speak some sense into my woman, but she refuses her mother as well. "I want him to choose one, mom." She looks at Nia, then back at me.

"I don't want to choose." Groaning, I place my head in my hands. "Mal, let's look at some flowers then, maybe he'll choose something a little later." My mom suggests, causing me to sigh in relief, but Mal sighs in disbelief.

"I guess." She mutters, beginning to look at different flowers. "Um, I guess we can start the looking for your flowers." Paisley keeps her cheerful demeanor, though I know she's probably annoyed in her mind.

"Would you prefer to go classic roses at your wedding, or do you have a preference for the flower that you want?" Paisley asks, but I smirk knowing Mal is going to say no. "I do not like roses." She sighs, replying sadly.

"Okay, no roses. What flower do you like, or you'd prefer at your and Jason's wedding." She looks ahead at Paisley, pursing her lips, tilting her head in a thinking manner. "I love Daisies, and I would like for there to be lots of them... everywhere. Even as my bouquet when I walk down the aisle." She chuckles, looking down at her hands.

My mom, Nia, and Paisley chuckles at her love for Daisies. It's true, they're her favorite flower in the entire world. I lay my hand over her thigh, massaging her knee. I assumed she'd ignore me, yet she placed her hand over mine, rubbing her soften skin against my own. I kiss her on the side her head, letting the kiss linger a bit. She rolls her eyes, playfully pushing my face away from her. Although, she thought about something and pecked me on my lips. I love her.

"Alrighty, so you would like for daisies to be your main flower at your ceremony?" Paisley makes sure, speaking to Mal. "Yes, and for the wedding reception, better known as the after party." Mal adds on, flipping her hair to one side of her head. Damn, she does the exact same thing after we're done making love.

"I got it. Now, back to what we were discussing earlier. The theme of both of your and your fiancés, wedding." Mal looks at Paisley nodding, with all four women looking at me.

"Look, in reality I'm only supposed to choose my suit, and show up to the wedding. All you beautiful, and I mean beautiful, ladies can do all of the choosing. I'll just pay for it, okay?" Not only Mal was looking, but now Nia, and mom, we're looking sternly at me as well. Paisley just stays quiet, sipping on her water with wide eyes.

"I'm getting very irritated with you not wanting to contribute, Jason McCann. I want you to help choose a theme for our wedding. I don't care if you have to choose the first thing you see, I just want your intake on it. We're supposed to make decisions together, so let's start by making this one together. I love you with all of my heart, and it's kind of hurting my feelings that you're not interested in this as much as I am. I know you're a man, and I know you rather much be at home with the guys, but I brought you here today, because I want you to be apart of the decision making. You are in charge, aren't you?" She whispers the last part, causing my entire body to tingle all over. Fuck, she's such a little tease. Such a naughty woman. "I am most definitely in charge." Whispering to her, I make sure no one else hears our conversation.

"Then act like it, and stop trying to impress me by agreeing with everything I say or do. Don't get me wrong, I love it, and I love the man you have become. But sometimes I'm a brat, and I need to be put in check. Maybe a little bit of your sexual check." She cups her hands around her mouth, sexily whispering into my ear. "Is that so?" I question, pulling back to look at her devious smirk. Mom, Nia, and Paisley occupy theirselves with looking at more themes. Yet, them constantly looking our way, makes me know they're trying to be nosey.

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