Chapter 17: Potato Fart

Start from the beginning

hehe Niall.

"Sorry, got just a tad distracted."

"Its alright," He lightly chuckled, "Whats your name beautiful?"

"A-aria, you?" i replied shakily, trying to contain the fact that Niall Horan just called me beautiful. He looked at me in disbelief. It took me a second to realise what i had just said.

I mentally facepalmed myself. What the hell Aria? You idiot.

"I can believe I just asked you that." I laughed in embarrassment, not shy of blushing. He too laughed, throwing his head back at me. I playfully punched his arm and suddenly regretting it when his head snapped back up in my direction, his eyes boring into mine. I suddenly became extremely nervous by his actions, to the point where i broke the eye contact and became intrigued by the browns of the wooden dance floor.

"Did you just punch me?" He pried, his voice becoming quite strong and intimidating, to the point where I'm actually too terrified to reply and too aghast to take a peek.

"I said," He repeated, raising his voice, "did you just punch me?"

I flinched at his question. This is not Niall. Niall is sweet, altruistic, benevolent and kind-hearted, hes not this obnoxious, abhorrent guy that's standing in front of me.

Why is he being like this? I didnt think he would be one to abruptly snap when someone playfully punched him. I mean, come on! Take a chill pill and have a joke. Its not like i was trying to physically hurt him or something. I quietly laughed at the thought. As if! Me? Physically hurt Niall Horan? Good joke Aria, you potato fart. Hehe. potato fart. That's a new one ha. And i like it!

Im so weird i swear.

Something is mentally wrong with me. No wonder Ive never had a boyfriend.

But on a more serious note. I cant keep standing here looking like a potato fart--hehe- while Niall is standing there towering over me, thinking his better than me. King almighty. uh-uh no way josé, that i wont tolerate. someone being angry with me is different to thinking that they have the right to act superior and dominant.

Im not a 5 year old who needs to be disciplined. Im an 18 year old who can take care of herself. Im big enough and ugly enough to make my own decisions and do what ever i want, without much questioning or fair retribution, and with that i built up the confidence i needed to look up at Niall.

I assumed that Niall would be furious --because thats what was expected, due to his tone of voice-- however, instead i was taken back, when he showed no signs of aggression in the slightest. In its place was a some-what amused expression, leaving me ponder what he was entertain by.

"Umm..." I trailed off, insinuating my confusion in this situation.

Was he holding back....laughter? What does he find so funny? Do i have something on my face? Does he suffer from severe short term memory loss or bi-polar? Did he forget what just happened like, 30 seconds ago?

"Nothing..." he shrugged. He may have said its nothing, but his eyes suggest otherwise.

Its as if he knows something that he shouldnt. His voice is saying nothing, but his eyes and lips appear as though they know the real truth, showing a real look of suspicion upon ones face.

For example; when you like this guy at school alot. You like him enough that you cant help but smile when he walks in the room or briefly check him out, without anyone, including him, noticing you. And then you have those friends of yours who are constantly asking who you like, and you always give them the same answer,

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