Chapter 11: If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it !

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Chapter 11:




From: Liam

Erm...who is this ?!


Unknown POV


(A/N sorry about the amount of times i used the word 'god'. i have nothing against any religions, but the word just fits well with what hes saying...sorry #nohate)

I swear to fucking god, if i dont find my phone, im going to go ape shit. I havent seen it in god knows how long and its frustrating the hell out of me. I feel as though im disconnected to the world, without my phone, no twitter, no facebook, no messages, nothing, zip, zilch, nada. And you know what makes things worse? i put it on fucking silent. SILENT !! Who does that ? ugh ! Obviously I do.

Sometimes i wonder what goes on through my head. Like seriously who puts their phone on silent? Wait! I facepalmed, remembering. Its cuz i was watching....something...*his voice trailing off*. Err never mind. Anyway !! Back to what i was doing, my phone !

I make my way through the kitchen towards the lounge room and see Louis laying across the couch, back towards me, staring at his lap. Generally i would have told him off for having his feet on the couch, since they smell and because this is actually a white lounge, but since us boys are currently in Louis and Harry's flat, i ignore it.


Louis nearly jumped out of his skin at the sudden sound of my voice and quickly glanced in my direction before turning his attention back to his lap for a brief moment.

"fine ignore me then" i said still making my way towards him.

"Sorry mate, was just doing something" i heard him mumble before lifting his arse off the couch to stretch.

"it's alright no worries. Anyway what were you doing?"

"ermm..." He trailed off, running his hands through his hair, then scratching his neck.

"i was just messaging my mum and checking twitter, you know? Like usual?" He continued, sounding a bit unsure of what he was saying.

I narrowed my eyes at him, my eyebrows scrunching together, analysing him carefully. I can usually differentiate between a lie and the truth, where Louis is concerned. Reading him is about as easy and shooting fish in a barrel.You know because shooting a fish in a barrel is easy ? no? okay never mind.

"Hello? Earth to-"

"Sorry, got distracted..."

"Ahh its alright buddy!" Louis slapped my back and made his way towards the kitchen.

"Anywayy..." I turned around and trailed behind Louis as he went towards the fridge. I however sat on one of the stools next to the breakfast bar. "Have you seen my phone by any chance?" i continued.

Louis didn't respond, instead he was messing around with all the bottles and packets within the fridge, creating clinking noises.


No response

"Louis !!"

"OWW!" Louis whined from the other side of the fridge door. He appeared from behind the door, rubbing the top of his head obsessively, with a face that showed pure pain. i couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips.

Sexting / Texting One DirectionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang