Chapter 2: Who is it? HAHA ! too bad..

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A/N if a word has a * next to it, means that its slang or an abbreviation for something..ill put it down the bottom incase no one knows what itmeans.. the only time that rule doesnt apply is if i write something like *sigh* which i will tend to write alot in this as shes very dramatic sometimes or depressed or whatever...just letting you know :)

Chapter 2: Who is it? HAHA ! too bad..


Arias POV

@***************** : @ArrghhiaMateyy Good morning babe !!

@ArrghhiaMateyy: Heyy !! @************* Morning to u to :)

@***************** : @ArrghhiaMateyy Hru ? :)

@ArrghhiaMateyy: @*************** Ehh tired as usual. U ? :P

@***************** : @ArrghhiaMateyy well next time get some sleep ha ! Im buzzin ! Thanks for asking :)

@ArrghhiaMateyy: I did. Im just still tired. You should be well aware that im always tired xD !! Aww your welcome @*************** xx

@**************** : @ArrghhiaMateyy Yes im well aware. :) Anyway babe ill talk soon. Later !! :)

@ArrghhiaMateyy: @*************** xD okaayy ! Byee !!

*sigh* this is just one of the many thing im loving about life right now :) Oh who am i kidding? Its the only thing im loving about my life right now... lifes crap. I mean sure, im popular at school and all that but in all honesty, being popular isnt as good as everyone thinks. Yes, quite a few people at school are intimidated by me and wish they could be me, but i dont wish my life upon anyone. Its all an act. At school im just one of those bitches that picks on people and hurts them, but i feel horrible once ive done it, becuase i know what it feels like to feel worthless. To feel unloved and unwanted. But ill tell you about that later. What im sure your all wondering is who I, Aria Bexley, am tweeting? But of course you all know hes from ONE DIRECTION ;) But which cutie patutie is it? xD


2 weeks before



@ArrghhiaMateyy: @Harry_Styles HAARRREEHHH!!? GIMME SOME OF YA GRAVEEHH!? And maybe follow please :) xx

@ArrghhiaMateyy: @Louis_Tomlinson Can i please touch yo perfect butt? Yes i know, im going gangsta now. Please follow me :) I love you xx

@ArrghhiaMateyy: @NiallOfficial YOU'LL NEVER LOVE YOURSELF HALF AS MUCH AS I LOVE YOU! Seriously. Not joking. I really do love you. Follow? :) xx

@ArrghhiaMateyy: @zaynmalik the rollercoaster that is life would be alot more fun if you followed me? :) pleeeaasseeee !! xx

Dont judge me kaay? I am not obssessed, im more what you would call dedicated. Yeah, dedicated, lets go with that...i just have it in my head that if i constantly tweet them that theyll eventually tweet me back or follow me. *sigh* if anyone at school found out that i was practically in love with them, i would be a laughing stock of the school. Not the fact that i like one direction, the fact that i was 'dedicated'.

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