lost & found

12 22 0

I have to got and find her but this girl in our gang stop me" give her time"she sayings I think her names deanna. When I look at it's like looking at the sun am I falling in love with her did I just inprint with her.

Well I can't believe that he did that charlie he saved me why was he whispering about me being his inprint on me, I maybe a huntress but I still human. I was sitting talking to bella(mycousin but no one knows)we where tallking for like hours, so you and Edward uh"yea" so tell me how you guys met"so when we first met he hated me"then you guys got over that and started going out"so how did jazz&you meet" well you know how he is the god of war"yea"well mara brought me in and had jazz change me after I woke up it was like being in heaven or staring at the sun"yea I know how you feel & felt like that with Edward"felt like what with Edward says walking . Oh nothing I say bella looks like a tomato we just laugh it out."you may want to check your phone"why I say eddie "uh I think jasper try to call you" ok I was turning my phone on /when it came on I have 100 miss calls from jazz & 53 from Eddie 92 from rose . Oh shit I yell Eddie and bell turned and looked at me bells can you do me a big fav,"yea your family"ok can you call jazzy and see what he wants"ok"
                PHONE CALL

Bell: hey trying to reach ally
Jazz:yea Is she with you, is she ok
Bell:clam down yea she's with me
Jazz:I'm on my way to get her
Bell:but where having girl time
Jazz:you have 15 minutes then I'm on my way , I'm going to kill him
Bell:k buzz kill , no need for violence
Jazz:ok whatever
          Phone call ended

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