Chapter 12 Base

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A/N Edited 2k reads!!!!!!!! Thank you all so much. Happy new year :).

Your POV

The ride was dull. I slowly watched what had come to be my home become smaller and smaller until it was nothing but a speck. Then we accelerated to light speed and left into galaxy's far away from home.

Just before we had left the first order base, a girl named Rey was put on the ship. She was very badly injured and was covered in lightsaber burns. I figured Ben was to thank for that. But she obviously put up a good fight. Was Ben hurt that badly as well?
Time skip to landing because writers block sucks
The resistance ship landed on a grassy planet with large openings leading underground. A middle aged woman greeted us as we walked down a tarmac area full of planes. She saw Rey and signalled for her to be taken away. The woman introduced herself as Princess Leia but said I should call her General. I guess this was the person Poe was talking to earlier.
"Come on dear lets get you inside. You must have had a rough time on that ship".
I wanted to tell her that being captured by Ben was the best thing that's ever happened to me but decided not to. They would just think I'm even more crazy. So I just nodded and walked on.
"Come on Y/N we have a surprise for you" said the one called Finn
I just nodded and walked faster, keeping my head down.

We entered a small room. All it had in it was two chairs and a table. A man in a brown cloak was standing in the corner. The General, Poe and Finn left, closing the door behind them. The man turned around. He spoke.
"Hello Y/N. I haven't seen you in a while".

A/N Thank you so much for reading hope you like it. Please remember to leave a like and a comment. Shall I add a playlist? May the force be with you :) - GoblinRage

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