Chapter 5 Different

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A/N Edited The last chapter kinda had a Disney ending didn't it. no disney in this one heh heh heh...

Your POV

I walked through the halls of the ship. My eyes full of tears. Not caring where I went. Why am I acting like this? It's not like I'm his girlfriend....
Flash back
We were walking back after dinner, when Ben said he had to go do something so to wait there. I waited for about fifteen minuets till I was bored and decided to see what was up. I turned down the corridor that Ben had took and right in front of me was Ben..making out with one of the female stormtroopers. I took a sharp breath and he heard me and looked up. His face instantly full of regret. "Y/N I-I can explain".
I just shook my head and walked away.
Flash back over
I sighed walking into a large empty room that for some reason had a giant empty chair. I sat down in the middle of the room. There was only one explanation for what I was feeling. I was in love with Kylo Ren.
"Is that so", said a dark menacing voice from the chair...

A/N Hi everyone thank you for reading please leave a vote ( got that wrong in the last chapters :) ) and a comment because that would really mean a lot. Fun fact I don't even know what A/N means but everyone else does it so meh. Anyway may the force be with you :) - GoblinRage

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