Chapter 11 The resistance final part

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A/N Edited Almost at 1.5k eeeeeeeeeeee thank you so much

Your POV

I hid myself in the corner of my room. I was still mad at Ben but my heart told me to forgive him. Oh god. I never gave him a chance to explain. Now he may never come back. He'll never know that I forgive him. I need him. I love him.

Suddenly the door bursts open. Two men with guns came clattering in through the door. They had a strange symbol on their shirts that I had never seen before. They certainly weren't from the first order. One turned and spotted me. He tapped the other on the shoulder and the advanced. I managed to squeak out a "Please don't hurt me". To my surprise they smiled.
"My names Poe and this is Finn. We are members of the resistance here to rescue you. We believe you have valuable information about the base and Kylo Ren.
"But I don't want to leave. I want to stay here with Ben. I love him".
"Um excuse me we are talking about the same person here right. You mean you love THE Kylo Ren. The man who has killed thousands". Said the one called Poe.
"Yes", I said, "Kylo has been so nice to me and I understand him and the pain he has gone through" .
Poe got out a radio and started talking to someone
"General we may have a case of extreme Stockholm Syndrome. Yes we will get her/him back as soon as possible. No she/he doesn't know he's alive. Okay goodbye general".
I was confused. Who was the general? Who was still alive? I don't have Stockholm Syndrome I really do love Ben. But they don't believe me. They think I'm mad. They hold down my arms to stop me from struggling and drag me out of the room. "NO", I scream Ben, I mean Kylo told me to stay".
"Yeah well tough General's orders".
"I can't leave him. BEN", I screamed in my last hope of him rescuing me. Just as the door of the resistance ship closed I saw Ben run round the corner. Not quick enough to open the door. Not quick enough to stop the ship taking off and far away into space. Not quick enough to save me.
A/N Thank you for reading FOUR UPLOADS UPLOADS ONE DAY YESSSS. Happy New Year's Eve and I hope you all have a great night. Please leave a vote and a comment I love reading them. Thank you so much. May the force be with you :) - GoblinRage

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