She finds herself lost in her mind that she barely recognizes Leia and Chewbacca in the room. She remembers back to the Death Star, the Stormtroopers, Ben's death, and most of all, her jump. Her head hurts just to think about it but Clary can't help but remember it. It isn't possible. She knows it isn't. But she did it. She managed to jump the bridge and barely make it to the other side—if Luke and Leia weren't waiting, she surely would have dropped. But she still made it. Worry pounds against Clary's head, causing it to ache as she blinks. She hasn't noticed Han had made it back into the cockpit until he removes his gloves, letting them fall near the controls. They make a loud thump! gaining Clary's attention. She glances over her shoulder to meet her brother's smiling eyes.

"Not a bad bit of rescuing, huh?" he asks. Clary doesn't answer as she glances to her right. Chewbacca is nowhere to be seen in the cockpit (Clary realizes he must have moved into the aft section to check the damage). Han takes Chewie's empty seat as he nods to Clary, his gaze flickering towards Princess Leia standing near the door. "You know, sometimes I even amaze myself."

"It doesn't sound too hard," Leia says, meeting Han's gaze evenly. Clary refrains from scoffing—because, mind you, it is hard—as the princess continues: "Besides, they let us go. It's the only explanation for the ease of our escape."

" call that easy?" he scoffs.

"They're tracking us!" Leia retorts.

Han rolls his eyes. "Not this ship, sister."

Clary, normally, will agree with her brother. However, in this moment, she finds herself thinking back to Leia's words and the sudden doubt she had felt when all the TIE fighters were finally defeated. They were far away from the Death Star by now, but they obviously wouldn't let them go that easily.

"At least the information in R2 is still intact," Leia says, gaining Clary's attention. She looks up to see the princess giving Han a frustrated look, leaning against the doorframe of the cockpit.

"What's so important?" Clary asks, glancing Leia's way. "What's he carrying?"

"The technical readouts of that battle station," Leia replies as if it's obvious. She gives Han a pointed look as she adds, "I only hope that when the data is analyzed, a weakness can be found. It's not over yet!"

"It is for me, Your Highness!" Han snaps. Before Leia has a chance to refute him for his rude tone he adds sharply, "Look, I ain't in this for your revolution, and I'm not in it for you, Princess. I expect to be well paid. I'm in it for the money!"

Clary's jaw clenches as she gives her brother a warning look. Of course, she didn't want anything to do with the Rebellion against the Galactic Empire—she and Han had much worse things to deal with, such as the debt hanging over their heads that's threatening to crush them at any second—and being involved this much was the farthest Clary was willing to go. Although she does wish her brother would have gone about it a different way, it's too late to restate his words gently as Clary glances Leia's way. The princess' jaw is clenched tight as well as she looks at Han coldly.

"You needn't worry about your reward," she nearly spits, "If money is all that you love, then that's what you'll receive!"

She angrily turns, starting out of the cockpit. She hesitates as Luke passes her, entering the cockpit. She nods towards Han, meeting Clary's gaze, before saying, "Your brother is quite a mercenary. I wonder if he really cares about anything...or anyone." She then storms out, anger nearly flaming off of her in waves. Clary watches her retreating figure with as much passionate rage. She is angered by the Princess' cold words. She's almost tempted to rush after her and talk some sense into the stubborn minded girl, but she glances Han's way as Luke approaches them. Both men are glancing out of the cockpit window, blankly staring into the vastness of space.

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