Do I have to?

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It was a new theme week on Dancing With The Stars, Love week. Well knowing the producers they take it to the edge. For this week they gave Kendall and Alan...burlesque. This was hard for Alan because A.he had never been trained in that style, B. Andrea. He knew Andrea wasn't going to like it. "So Kendall, we have burlesque!" She smirked "Oh really? I've always wanted to get down with Russian." She walked over to him and started to kiss his neck, little did she know Andrea was walking in. Andrea's jaw dropped when she saw what was happening, she dropped her bag and pushed Kendall off of Alan. "You ain't gettin down with my Russian. So get the hell away!" She screamed the last part and Kendall, who was very offended, flipped her hair and left. She turned around and glared at Alan. "EXPLAIN." He looked at her getting nervous "I tried to stop her babe I swear." She rolled her eyes, having enough of bs. "Yeah because that is what it looked like." He pulled her closer and kissed her, she pushed him off "YOU ARE SUCH A DOUCHE, I CAN'T BELIEVE I EVER TRUST YOU! JUST DON'T TALK TO ME ANYMORE." She left, slamming the door. He called Kendall "Hey can you come back, we need to practice." "Of course!" He hang up and she came back into the studio wearing a sports bra and booty shorts. "Hey Alan! I'm sorry about earlier!" "It's okay, let's practice!" He smiled and they played the music. They were using the song "burlesque" from the movie Burlesque. The dance started with Alan walking up to her and feeling her body, then they sat in a chair and he body rolled on her. While this was proceeding, Andrea was watching and she started crying. She knew she had made a huge mistake. For her own selfish reason she took Alan's phone, remembering the password. She called management and put on her best Russian accent "Hey um can we change the dance this week, it just isn't who Kendall is." Alan stopped the music when he heard her voice and his phone up to her ear. "What the heck?!!!!???" Andrea dropped the phone "I-i can explain." She said getting nervous "GO" he yelled, getting angry "WE NEVER BROKE UP AND YOU ARE GETTING DOWN WITH A KARDISHAN?"   "SHE'S A JENNER ACTUALLY." He sassed while yelling at her "OH WHO CARES!!! THEY ARE ALL DIVAS AND BRATS! GOD ALAN YOU ARE SO SHALLOW!!!" "GET OUT ANDREA! AND LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU DECIDE YOU AREN'T GOING TO BE A JEALOUS FREAK AND REALIZE THAT I DON'T HAVE A CHOICE AND THAT THIS IS MY JOB! MY DREAM! I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN HAYLEY BACK WHEN SHE WANTED ME TO!" She melted down to the floor after he said all of that and she got so angry and cried. She was so in shock of what he said. "I KNEW I SHOULDN'T HAVE DATED YOU, I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN WITH NICO!"    "OH WHY SO YOU ALL CAN BANG?!" "MAYBE, HE COULD DO ME BETTER THAN YOU!" "WELL NICO LIKES LILLIAN ANYWAYS! NOT YOU!" "YOU JERK!" She cried harder and left, slamming the door again. She opened the door again "WE ARE THROUGH!" "GOOD, I WAS GOING TO DUMP YOU ANYWAYS!" She slammed the door and left again.

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