Do you want to be my love?

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Alan and Andrea have know each other for 3 months. Andrea has fallen head over heels for Alan. We could say the same for Alan. But Alan still hasn't had to nerve to ask her out yet. But it was about to change tonight. Alan had driven to Andrea's house to ask her a very special question. He knocked on the door "Hey Alan!" Andrea said perking up at the sight of him. "Hey babe" He said taking a couple steps towards her and kissing her passionately. She pulled and away and smiled. "So Andrea I have a question" She looked at him waiting for him to ask "Andrea will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes! Yes! Yes! Of course I will" She said hugging him tightly and kiss all over his face. He twirled her around and she giggled. "So my lady what would you like to do?" "Mmmm let's make cookies!" He nodded and they both ran into the kitchen. Andrea grabbed the needed things while Alan preheated the oven and got all the mixers and cooking things out. "Alan, you got something right here" She said pouring flour in his hair. "I'll get you back babe" Andrea took of with some eggs and slipped on the floor. "Babe?! Are you okay?!" Alan kneeled down to her side and made sure she was okay. She smirked and cracked the eggs on his head. "Okay I'll get you back for sure!" He threw Andrea over his shoulder and ran into her bathroom while she was fighting him to get her off. He covered her eyes and threw some flour and eggs in her bathtub with some water and shampoo then set her gently in there. "ALAN" he laughed and ran away locking her in the bathroom.
(Sorry for any mistakes :p)

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