Chp 29: Winter break!

Começar do início

Randy actually has an amazing singing voice.

Howard didn't sing. Just Randy.

But I love Randy's voice it's like...

What the juice am I thinking!

I do not like Randy.

I'm dating Terrance.

Everyone cheers for him including me.

They walk back on the bleachers giving everybody high fives on the way up.

"Next up! Julian! Doing a hypnotizing act!" Heidi says.

Julian runs down the bleachers and into the middle of the gym.

"First I will need one volunteer!" Julian yells.

A lot of people raise their hands and he ends up picking Bash.

He goes through the whole process of hypnotizing Bash and now she's gonna make him do weird stuff.

I start recording this now because it's a really funny video.

"Bash act like a chicken?" Julian says.

Then Bash starts to run around and act like a chicken.

"Now dance like a ballerina." Then Bash dances like ballerina.

Julian makes Bash do a bunch of other weird stuff.

"Now Bash! You will not remember any of this! When I snap my fingers you'll wake up and whoever you hear the word...Christmas...then you'll bark!"

He snaps his fingers and Bash wakes up.

"What happened?" Bash yells.

"The whole gym starts laughing and he walks up the bleachers.

"Next act! The ninja and Flare demonstrating ninja moves!" Heidi says.


Did Randy sign my up for this?!?

It must of been a couple weeks ago when I had the flu.

Classic Randy...

I hide behind the bleachers and put on my mask. I then teleport the middle of the gym.

"What's up Norisville high?" I yell. Then the crowd cheers.

"Smoke bomb!" Ninja yells.

"Took you long enough!" I laugh.

"I didn't take that long." Ninja says.

"Well then let's get on with this. What are we doing?" I ask.

"Showing off our ninja moves of course!" Randy says.

"Well then...who all wants a limited edition Norisville ninja clothes?" I yell.

The whole crowd cheers an I make the shirts appear in my hands.

They're black with the ninja on the front and me on the back.

Some are sweaters, some are t-shirts, some are socks...

I throw them at the crowd and some people catch them.

"There. Got anything better?" I raise an eyebrow.

"How about we fight instead." Randy runs towards me and throws an air fist at me, slamming me against the wall.

"Nice try." I laugh, get up, and make a rope appear on him and he falls to the ground.

I teleport to him and tie him up.

"How who wants a ninja?" I yell.

"Me!" Everyone yells.

I throw Randy into the crowd and some random person catches him but he smoke bombs away from her just in time.

We talk about a bunch of stuff, mostly about the responsibility of being ninjas and stuff like that?

Once the acts done I teleport behind the bleachers, take my mask off, and sit back down.

Then the rest of the acts go, which are mostly people singing or dancing.

After that we're free to go to winter break.

I'm walking with Ivory back to our house and Randy's just in front of me.

I see a big snow pile and I jump at the opportunity to push him face first in.

The gets up and pushes me in as well.

I throw a snowball in his face and we end up having a snowball fight. With Ivory watching.

It was pretty fun.

I guess I'll have to go to Mc.Fists skiing resort in a couple days.

I wonder how that's gonna go.

Bad probably. Knowing the kind of luck I have.

I'll just hope for the best.

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