Exposed?! Jicheol version

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In Seungcheol's room~

The silence was intimidating. After what happened that was still fresh in their mind, Seungcheol did not wanted to be the first one to address it.

Not him.

On the other hand, Jihoon was dying to say something but nothing. Nothing would come out as he bit his lips while sitting on his bed. He gave out a small sigh and that was all the older needed to know that what he just said, was bothering the younger.

So he decided to take the first step.

"Jihoon-ah," he paused and observed the owner of the name he just called.

Jihoon was caught off guard as he expected himself to be the first one to speak up," w-what?"

Damn it. Jihoon mentally slapped himself for stuttering.

"It's late so lets hit the bunks." The leader smiled at the pink-haired as he stood up from his spot and proceeded to the bed above Jihoon's.

Wait that's all?!

Jihoon frowned as he climb into the covers, "whatever."

But it wasn't 'whatever'. After he got under his covers, his face turned a dark shade of red. The scene started playing into his head until he decided that,

Seungcheol is dumb.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the door~




"Hey Seungkwan," Hansol gave a slap on the older's shoulder, " stop eavesdropping already, aren't you bored?"

"H-Hansol!" Seungkwan coughed out as he got a shock from the sudden slap on the shoulder by the rapper. "Don't slap me! Where's Jeonghan?"

"Oh in the kitchen, you have some business with him?" Hansol asked giving a look at Seungkwan.

"Oh it's nothing." Seungkwan just sassed it off as he always did to cover up something.

Hansol knew that. Though he decided not to say anything, eventhough the older might have heard something from eavesdropping on the four.

Maybe it was just nothing.

Hansol left Seungkwan to find the long-haired man while he went back to his room where he shared with Chan.

As Seungkwan walked to the kitchen while passing by the living room, he noticed that most members where already back in their rooms resting for the tiring schedule that awaits them as soon as the sun rises the next day. Nearing the kitchen, he heard some giggling as he poked his head in.

That was weird.

It looked like Jeonghan and Jisoo hyung were acting all lovey-dovey at the kitchen counter.

Maybe it was the angle he was looking at.

"Jeonghan-hyung!" Seungkwan called out.

"Yes Seungkwan?" Jeonghan gently said.

Weird, why isn't he fazed out by the fact that I might had seen them making out. At. The. Kitchen. Counter. Of all places.

"We need to talk!" Seungkwan excitedly exclaimed as he gave a look at Jisoo.

Noticing Seungkwan giving Jisoo the look, Jeonghan then asked" Is it okay if Jisoo listens in too?"

"It's okay." Giving them a nod, Seungkwan then proceed to say what he wanted in a long time, a long five minutes.

"So what is it?" The older asked.

"Don't freak out but," Seungkwan paused, he wanted the attention of the two as he is Diva Boo.

After he thinks that he had gotten their interest, he continued.

"There's something between Seungcheol-hyung and Jihoon-hyung!"

Having said that, the two were speechless as they stopped what they were doing and stared at Seungkwan.

It was then Seungkwan noticed something. Jeonghan put down a knife on the counter and Jisoo had left the fruit shredder in his hands.

Oh how was he wrong.



Well, I think most of you already know that they already have something between the both of them! I've already decided that I'll be including Jicheol and probably Jihan in this fanfiction.

Ps: Seungkwan didn't saw anything. Jeonghan and Jisoo weren't making out or anything. They were just making some late night snacks together and from Seungkwan's direction, it might have looked like a kiss. Haha sorry :3

Thanks for reading, comments and votes are appreciated and it means alot to me :)

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