Ch. 2

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I left my family in LA and now I was in Seoul South Korea. Taxi cars were lined up outside the Incheon airport and I felt my social anxiety rise up in me. The feeling of insecurities rose up in me as I kept my two suitcases close to me.

"Excuse me," A middle aged man said catching my attention. "Do you need a ride?"

I looked at him and saw the car behind him. I nodded my head quickly and he went to grab my bags. He grabbed my hot pink bag and then my navy blue one and shoved them tightly in the trunk. I got into his yellow taxi and told him the name of the hotel I was staying at.

The man which I had learned his name was Seunghyun kept trying to make conversation with me. I could only catch onto a few words here and there, I had forgotten most of the language but could still form a somewhat choppy sentence.

Seunghyun pulled up towards the hotel and stopped. I pulled out the little cash I had in my purse and handed it to him. Taking my two bags I walked into the hotel and signed in using my choppy Korean. The first thing I did when I got to the room was sleep.

I sent a text to my mother and didn't bother waiting for a reply and I fell asleep.


Two days later and I was finally off of my jet lag. The white ceiling looked down on me as I have been staring at it for almost 10 minutes now. In three hours I would be able to make it into JYP. Three hours and my life will be changed forever.

"Yah, time to get ready." I grumbled to myself and stood up from my bed. I put on my makeup but I made sure to add a lot of concealer to hide all of my flaws.

Once I thought I looked presentable I walked out of the hotel. I weaved in and out of people on the crowded streets to reach the bus station. I had about 30 minutes until the meeting and I felt my palms getting sweaty.

Right as I walked up to the station I watched the bus pulling up to the station.

"Ayee..Just in time." I said pumping my sweaty fists up into the air. Laughter filled my ears and I turned my head and saw a boy laughing at me. "What?"

"Nothing," he said smiling at me. "My name is Yu DomaYoung, but people just call me Thomas." He stuck his hand out to me and I grabbed it and shook it.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jai Lin." I said smiling widely.

"So where are you going?" He asked as we sat down beside each other on the bus.

"JYP." I said softly trying not to be loud.

"Oh, same!" He cheered as we high fived.

"Trainee?" I asked messing with my phone.

"Yea, I got accepted after a video of me dancing was released all over the internet."

"Nice," I mumbled getting more awkward as we keep talking.

"What about you?" He asked as the bus began to move down the street.

"I went on a whim and recorded myself singing and sent it to them." I said shyly as he turned and look at me in surprise.

His sandy blonde hair was sticking up in the air as his dark black roots started coming through. He was really handsome with a heart shaped face and dark striking eyes. He stuck an earbud into his ear and turned back to face the front.

"I know it's rude to ask a woman her age, but how old are you?" He asked after a couple minutes of awkward silence.

"I'm 18." I said softly as I locked my phone.

"Oh cool, I'm 20." He said cockily and winked at me.

"Wow oldie." I said laughing at his weird attempt at flirting.

"Actually I prefer oppa." he said smugly and crossed his arm which caused me to burst into laughter.

"Aissh. Americans." He mumbled and I stopped laughing for a second.

"Wait, you are korean?" I asked in disbelief.

"No! I'm chinese." He said rolling his eyes. "Yes I am Korean."

"Then why are speaking english?" I asked and I looked out the window and saw JYP.

"You mock my talents."

"I never said that." I countered back at him and began smiling widely.

"Whatever," he snapped before walking down the aisle of seats and off the bus.

I followed him like a lost puppy. A giant building stood before me as I walked closer to it. I saw the many pictures of artists that I have admired for a long time. I could feel my stomach flutter and my hands start sweating again. Thomas' figure was still ahead of me as I wrapped my jacket around me tightly and followed him.

"Thomas! I'm sorry!" I called after him.

"Sorry doesn't cut it missy!" he said back before opening the doors to the building and walked in.

I stood in front of the doors for a few seconds before I opened them slowly.

'Here goes nothing'

I walked into the warm building and saw all the workers on their computers.

"Thomas," I hissed as I saw him walk down a hallway.

"Oops." He said and winked at me before disappearing.

Pushing up the courage I walked up to the desk and told them my name. The lady looked up at me and smiled immediately.

"Third floor and second door on the left." She said in choppy English and slide over a card and pointed to where Thomas had gone.

"Thank you." I said and bowed following her directions.

The hallway she directed me towards had music coming from each and every room. I read all their name plates and smiled. Maybe one day my name could be there.

The door I was supposed to go to was quiet. When I opened it I saw 9 other people sitting in a circle not even speaking to each other.

"Hello, I'm Jai Lin." I introduced myself and walked towards them. Two people separated and let me sit down.

We all stayed silent as Thomas and I glared at each playfully. All of a sudden we heard booming laughter and a voice who said, "boys settle down. We don't want to scare them."

The door opened and in came 8 people. One of the people was JYP himself and the other seven was the ones who made me want to audition.



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