The rest of the afternoon was a bit more cheery. Niall always knew how to make me laugh and smile, even in this condition. Harry was sweet, Louis was caring, and I felt okay that I had such great friends. Louis forced a small plate of food down my throat and a cookie or two. When I left later that evening I felt quite a bit better. However, as soon as I got home, things went bad again.

            My phone was ringing in my pocket as I stepped into my room. I pulled it out and stared at the screen, flashing and reading ‘Liam’ in bright writing. My stomach dropped and I suddenly felt like vomiting, but I couldn’t help myself as I put the phone to my ear and hit the green button.

            But no words came out of my mouth.

            “Zayn?” Liam’s voice rang through the line, “Are you there?”

            The tears fell down my cheeks and I dropped to my knees where I stood, wondering why Liam would leave me and break my heart, only to call me a few days later.

            “Listen, Zee,” Liam’s voice cracked, “I know you’re there, I can hear you breathing and…crying,”

            I choked out another sob.

            “You don’t need to say anything, because…because I guess I kind of understand it you hate me. But, I just wanted to let you know that I’m moved into my new apartment. I…I paid for it with my own money, and I thought I would just…tell you that. I’m proud of it. It is one of the only things in my life that my father didn’t buy for me. And uh….I guess the real reason I called was to tell you that I miss you. And I’m sorry. I really am….I mean…..Fuck. Zayn, I’m sorry,”

            It didn’t seem fair that Liam could do this to me. I crawled over to the corner of the room and curled into a ball, wedged in the corner tightly. My teeth were digging into my lip and I could taste the blood mixing in my mouth.

            “That’s all really. We don’t really have that much more time, Zayn. Your birthday isn’t that far away. Just…hang in there until then, and you can come see my new apartment and stay the night. Or…” His voice was bright with possibility and as amazing as it seemed, I didn’t want to allow myself to fall for his words.

            “I love you Zayn,”

            That’s when I hung up the phone.


            It was Christmas Eve’s eve, and I was actually feeling a little bit better. Instead of dwelling on Liam so much I forced myself to immerse myself into my studies. English literature from all different centuries and writing everything that I scribbled down in this small black book, which my sisters started to call my diary. Whatever.

            Of course I still missed Liam like I couldn’t even explain, but Louis had forced me to move on. Sure I had lost a bit too much weight over this whole thing, but I was okay. Alive and moving on. (Okay, maybe I was still trying to move one. Maybe I wasn’t quite there yet.)

            I sat at my desk reading some random novel from my mom’s small library. I could care less about what it was called or who it was written by, I just cared that it took me away from the life I was living and to another place where Liam didn’t even fucking exist.

            My phone rang, pulling me out of my beautifully crafted world and I answered it.

            “Zee, how about we go sledding?” Louis suggested, his voice tense with excitement. I heard voice in the background, probably Harry, Niall, and Josh, screaming and laughing, their voices echoing through the phone. My stomach dropped again. Liam had wanted to go sledding. I clenched my eyes shut angrily. “So Zayn, what do you say? I’ll bring the lot around to your house and we’ll head down to Satan’s Drop, you know, that hill down by the old church that we used to go to when we were little?”

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