Robin V.S The Teen Titans

Start from the beginning

"Yes." Robin answered shortly.

Slade smiled. Robin had finally given in. He was following every command, with no struggle.

Suddenly Robin heard a sound.

"Robin? Dude you here?" Kid Flash Called out.

"The Titans aren't with him." Robin whispered into the earpiece.

"Talk to him, don't fight yet. Then when he's vulnerable, take him down." Slade ordered.

"I'm here." Robin stepped out of the shadows.

"Dude...what happened to you?" Kid Flash eyed his outfit.

"I've changed." Robin said in unison with Slade. Robin casually stepped closer to him.

"I can, uh see that." Kid Flash became nervous. "Why have you done all this? Why dude?"

"You don't understand. You never understood. You can't just play the good guy forever." Slade smirked at the tone of voice Robin was using.

"But...come on Rob. You can't do this." Kid Flash pleaded. "Can we at least talk for a bit?"

"Pretend to go with him, then Strike when he lets his guard down." Slade ordered.

"Why not?." Robin became smug.

"Really? Great. Let's go." KF smiled as Robin walked next to him. Kid Flash turned for a second, as Robin reached for the lighting bolt weapon. He took it out. It was a small ball, with a flat Bottom and a button on top. Instantly Robin put it on the floor next to Kid Flash's legs, pressed the button and stood back.

"Rob what the-"

The ball shot out a force field that knocked him out instantly. He fell to the floor in a heap.

"Well that plan didn't work." The Titans landed on the rooftop.

"Robin stop this. You don't have to do this." Cyborg pleaded.

"Apparently I do." Robin smirked.

A Tiger, Dark Magic, a Sonic cannon and star bolts were pointed at him. "Don't move dude, or we'll shoot." Cyborg told him seriously.

"No you won't. Throwing your weapons at me all at once will most likely kill me. I am after all, only human." Robin casually put a hand to his belt.

Raven looked at Cyborg he nodded and they lowered their weapons.

"Big mistake." Robin threw down a smoke bomb.

. "Raven! Make sure he doesn't get away!" Cyborg yelled over the cloud of smoke.

"I'm not going anywhere." He tackled Cyborg from behind.

"Ugg..." Raven held her head. Robin's wasn't thinking straight. He wasn't doing this himself. But he had given in to whatever it was.

The smoke started to clear. Cyborg was on the ground, in a pool of water that had been electrified. He was out.

"Cyborg!" The girls yelped in unison. Starfire hurried over. "No Starfire! He's out. Help us take Robin Down!" Raven pulled her back.

Seeing the girls together, he threw a mini bombs at them. They hit, and now they would have to recover while he took on BeastBoy.

"Robin, please why are you doing this! We're your friends!" BeastBoy's voice cracked.

"Friends? You were never my friends! Slade helped me see that. And now, your going to pay for everything you've done to me." Robin accused.

"What? What are talking about-" Robin threw His weapon at BeastBoy.

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