Chapter 7

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in case you haven't noticed , i do find some of my ideas from thiss story called trill paradox , which is a good ass story . however , i let whatever the fuck i want to happen , happen in thiss story . its just that beginning and the concept is quite the same . THATS BECAUSE the way i wanted it to go was actually not the way it went . so if your readin that one , itssssssss not gon be the same . tbh , imm kinda lacking originality a bit for thiss story ; so if you have ideas kik me @imm__layy . til then , urmmm ... shit , i forgot . bye , how bout that .


and btw no i am not fucking STEALING . imm borrowing mf ideas for the mf story . if youre a writer , you know how hard it is sometimes to come up with shit . okayy , bye now .



😒Ari's POV😒

Me-What you eat for breakfast?

Amy-Cereal, I'm eatin it right now dumbass.

I was really debating on asking Amy about this Michelle bitch that Chres had on tattooed his back.

Amy-Niggah, where you go last night? You look like you got some.

She smirked at me but I just made a face that was meant to say "Don't start" but probably said "Bitch, drink bleach."

Amy-Well damn, who blew smoke up your ass?

I sighed. Might as well ask since they did go out for a while.

Me-Chresanto took me out last night.

Amy-Oh shit! Where?!

Me-First we went to Saza's, then to the tattoo place.

Amy-You got a tattoo?! Let me see!!!

Me-Amy, I ain't do all that now. Chresanto got one.

Amy-What he get?

Me-A fucking tattoo on his back with the name "Michelle"!

Amy was so surprised that she dropped her bowl of cereal.

Me-I know right!! I was like "You brought me here to get the name of some bitch-" *gco*

Amy-You said bitch?!?!

Me-Hell yeah I said bitch! I was pissed the fuck off! Astonished to the fullest extent!

Amy-Fuck, Ari!

Me-Fuck you mean?! What the hell are you talkin bout??

Amy-Michelle is Chresanto's sister. She died in a mother fuckin car crash.

Oh my fuck.

Me-When the hell was this??

Amy-When we were goin out!

Me-So you mean to tell me that I called Chres's deceased sister a bitch for no apparent reason?


😒Chresanto's POV😒

I walked to the kitchen to get some breakfast. I was still pissed off from last night. Ari's a dumb bitch, I can't believe she even went that far. Plus, what I put on my body is my business. She can't fucking dictate EVERYTHING. But her reaction seemed so ginuene as if she actually had feelings for me. That was the only sort of good part about it. But that was how I felt last night. Today, I just wanna fuck her and get her ass out the way.

I was in the middle of making my breakfast until someone knocked on the door.

😔Ari's POV😔

I came over to apologize to Chres. What I did stupid as fuck. He opened the door, which I could tellhe was regretting. He immediately tried to close it, but I stuck my foot in the doorway. He sighed and looked at me.

Chres-Came to criticize something else I do?

Me-Look, I came to apologize. I didn't know that she was your sister. I was way out of line and shouldn't have done that. And I'm sorry.

He just looked at me as if what I said meant nothing to him. He was sittin on the couch, which was weird because I aint even know that this niggah had moved. I nodded my head and started walkin to the door.

Chres-She was only 23.

I turned around and looked at Chres.

Chres-I was in the car with her. We had been at this party that I begged her to let me go to. It was just us two. When we were about to go home I offered to drive. She claimed that she wasn't drunk, but I could tell that she'd had at least a few drinks. She started driving. She was doin good at first, stayed in her lane, no swerving. Until we got to the bridge. She lost control of the wheel, and we crashed. I had passed out, but when I woke up, there were lights every fucking where. Police and ambulances. My mom came to see me. She was crying ridiculously hard. I kept tellin that it was okay, that I was fine. But then I asked where Michelle was, so that I could mess with her bout drivin all drink and shit. I could tell by the look on my mom's face that she was gone. That's when I completely lost it.

I couldn't help but notice that he was crying. I walked over and sat next to him.

Chres-Every single day for two months after that accident, I asked God why he couldn't have taken me instead. Why did it have to be her?

By now he was bawling like a baby. I wrapped my arms around him and he rested his head on my shoulder.

Me-I'm so sorry, Chres.

Chres-You remind me of her, actually. Smart, funny,and sweet once you got past her bad bitch facade. That's what attracted me to you in the first place.

🌵Chres's POV🌵

Aight, the whole story was true, including the attraction part. But she lost that last night. So now I'm just milkin the cow to get in her pants. But she was surely believin it.


ion know where else to stop it therefore i stop it there . btw thiss was all written thiss mornin and i didnt really edit it cuz imm half sleep . dont forget to sign up for co mf owner of the mf ig fanpage ! andddddd for those of you nigglets readin trill paradox : 1) THERE WILL BE A PLOT TWIST NIGGAH ! and 2)I DONT LIKEE AMBROSE ! okayy bye now lol .

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