Chapter 2

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👏Ari's POV👏

I walked into Mr. Norman's fifth period debate class five minutes late, just because I can. I scanned the room but didnt see Chresanto. Great, I was gonna have to hear about how he was later than me to class.

Mr. Norman- Why are you late to my class again, Ms. Glass?

Me-Mr. N, come on! You know that I only come to your class late everday so that you can get your panties in a twist.

Just then, Chresanto walked in.

Chresanto-Hey Mr. N! Hows it goin?

Mr. N- And Mr. August, why are you late?

Chresanto-I couldn't find the room, Mr. N.

Mr. N- Funny that this is the second semester in school and you still can't seem to find your way.

Chresanto- Thats why I should get someone to help me.

He flashed a smile at the girls in the classroom as they eagerly raise their thirsty hands.

Mr. N- That won't be nessecary, Mr. August. Please take a seat, both of you.

Chresanto and I took a seat, not together of course, and Mr. Norman continued runnin his trap. I glanced at Amy as she giggled at the show.

Mr. N- As I was saying before we were interrupted, this project will count as half of your final grade for this semester. So is important that you and your partner work diligently and cooperatively.

I nudged Amy to point out that we'd be partners, like always. She nodded her head, not turning away from Mr. Norman.

Mr. N- This time there will be a minor change. I will be choosing your partners. This is just to ensure diversity. And to keep from using the same people. The objective of the project is to find a debatable topic and go wild with it. Make it fun, but informational.

The whole class, along with myself, Amy, Chresanto, and Ray, groaned. I hated when teachers CHOSE your partners. Like bitch, ion like none of these people!

Mr. Norman started callin out the partners. He was probably gonna put me wih somebody quiet and smart. Good for me. I need that grade. He called my name, but I was furious at the name that was paired with mine.


Mr. N- Is there a problem, Ms. Glass?

Me-Heck yeah! I cant work with him!

Mr. N- Which is the exact reason why I partnered you two up. You and Mr. August will definately have some interesting things to say, I'm sure.

Me-Dude! I cant stand him! I'm positive that he doesnt wanna work with me either! Tell him Chresanto!

Chresanto-Mr. Norman, I find it inspiring that you think that we can put our minds together and come out with something positive. Thank you for the oppurtunity to work with Arianna.

I looked at him like "Niggah, what the fuck?" He just innocently smiled back and looked at Mr. Norman.

Mr. N- Your very welcome, Mr. August. Ms. Glass will be delighted to work with you also, correct?

Me-Ugh, whatever.

The rest off the class flew by as I watched Pretty Little Liars on my phone. This Mona chick can be a total jackass sometimes. The bell rang and I gathered my things and walked out. I saw Chresanto talkin to one of the guys off the basketball team. I walked up to the guy.

Me-Hey, Drew, isnt it?

He smiled brightly. I couldnt help that guys were attracted to me. I actually dont mind the thirst sometimes.


Me- I'm Ari-*gco*

Chresanto-You know that he knows you, get to the point.

I rolled my eyes at his rudeness and focused back on Drew.

Me-I'm Ari.

Drew-I know. And your beautiful.

I heard Chresanto chuckle, but I decided to ignore it.

Me-Can you be sweet and get me a coke out of the machine please?

Drew-Of course.

I started to get a dollar out of my pocket until Drew stopped me.

Drew-I got it.

Ari-Oh, thanks.

He smiled at me as he walked away.

Chresanto-Well played. Someone's learning from the master.

Me-Niggah please. Anyway, I came over to tell yo ass that you cant be playin around with this mf project. I want this grade and I wont watch you fuck that up.

👊Chresanto's POV👊

I looked at Ari. Her shoulder-length hair showed full body as it flowed and shit. And her body showed full body too. She was thick as fuck and knew it. He was wearin some short shorts and a half shirt that showed her belly button. This was a perfect time to turn on the sensitive shit.

Me-Of course. Honestly, I need that grade too.

She looked at me like she was tryna see if I was for real.

Ari-Good. We need to come up with a topic or whatever...

Me-How bout I come over later?

Ari-Niggah I already dont like you, I dont want you-*gco*

Me-I promise I wont try nun! Strictly business.

She glared at me. Damn, she was good at that. She handed me her phone.

Ari-Fine. Put you number in there, I'll text you the dorm number. 7 o' clock. You late, you dont come in. A new episode of Twisted is comin on tonight and I wanna watch it.

I smiled and put my number in her phone.

Me-Not a minute late.


Drew came back with the coke and handed it to Ari.

Ari-Thanks, hunn!

She kissed him on the cheek and left. Ari was a master at bein a bitch to people and munipulating them, but I was by far the best.


hiiiiii !!!! it didnt take long to write this chapter so i went ahead and posted ! ohhhh i got some important crap to say : look up " MindlessKiwa " on wattpad ! read her newest book , The Heartbreakers ! imm in lovee with it , imm sure yall will be too ! okayy imm done now .

World's Baddest (A Roc Royal Love/Hate Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora