Chapter 1

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Bella POV
It's been 3 months since Ed-HIM has left me. I feel like a part of me is missing, a huge part of me. I can't bear to say any of there names. It is just too much to handle. I don't want to live anymore. I have decide to go to the Volturi, tell them that I know that they are vampires and get them to kill me.

I went to the draw that had my college fund in it and grabbed my over night bag to put some clothes in and grab my passport and got in my truck and drove to the bank to get the rest of my cash out and checked to make sure I had enough to get a plane ticket and a taxi to Volterra. Once I made sure I had enough I got in the truck and drove to the airport.

I got off the plane and got a taxi to Volterra. The driver stopped at a square that had a fountain in it and had some buildings around it that looked old. I threw the taxi driver the rest of the money I had and got out. I looked at the clock tower that was at the edge of the square and looked at the time, it was 10:30. I decide to sit and wait until I see a vampire.
I saw a beautiful woman walk out of an alleyway into the square. She had the most perfect features, pale skin and she had red eyes. I knew as soon as I saw the red eyes she was a vampire. She reminds me of Alice by how short she is. I quickly ran to her and grabbed her arm, she spun around and looked at me with an eyebrow raised in question.

" I know what you are" I said " You're a vampire and I want you to kill me."

The vampire looked shocked for a second and then an evil smile come to her face and she looked at me. At first I thought that that I was finally going to die but a few seconds later she looked frustrated.

" Why haven't you killed me?" I asked.

" Because you are in the heart of the Volturi and I can't kill you even through you smell delicious. I'm Jane by the way" she said casually.

" I'm Bella"

" Well Bella, I think your a shield" Jane said this and saw my confused look and explained " I have a gift where I can in flicked pain but your not in my you just think you are, I tried my gift on you but it didn't work. So Bella, why don't you come with me to see Aro because I'm sure he would live to meet you."

I thought it over for a minute and thought why not.

" Sure" I said and climbed onto her back and she ran into darkness and then we were falling then we were running again.

Jane stopped at a set of double doors and I got off her back and Jane pushed them open. In side was 3 chairs (thrown chairs) and a vampire with long black hair. He looked up saw Jane and smiled.

" Jane dear your back" then he looked at me " And you brought someone back with you."

" Yes Aro I'm back" then Jane walked over to Aro with a hand out and Aro touched her hand for a moment. They pulled apart and Aro smiled at me.

" Bella, I'm Aro" he said " I have a gift where if I touch your hand I can see all your thoughts and memories and I'm interested to see if you are immune to my gift as well" he said this and held out his hand, I walked over to him and put my hand on top of his hand. He bent over for a couple of seconds then he dropped his hand and smiled.

" It seems you are immune to my gift as well. Would you like to become a vampire? It will be interesting to see what gift you have" Aro asked and smiled at me.

" Yes" I didn't hesitate one second this was all I wanted.

Aro smiled the turned to Jane " you know what to do". "Yes master" said Jane.

Aro then ran out yelling " Marcus, Caius". Then Jane mouth was at my throat and I felt burning before I blacked out.

So first chapter done me what you think in the comments and vote. The pic at the top is of the clock tower in Volterra. Wow 772 words.

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