Captured by Force

Start from the beginning

"Let me explain," Shace replied smoothly as he stepped down from the elevated platform and strode over to me. "We needed a way to track you, no matter where you went in the galaxy. You told me exactly which ship I needed to place the tracker on, and as a bonus you let slip the name of your friend." He paused, tapping his chin as if in thought. "Who was that? Oh, I remember: Rey."

I struggled to remain calm under his remarks, but I felt each word break down the wall of confidence I had worked so hard to built up.

Shace climbed back up to stand beside his master. "It was all you, Lora. Thank you: for giving us everything we needed."

At that last remark, Kylo Ren stood and waved a hand for silence. He walked down, and stood in front of me as well. Keeping my face blank, I looked him dead in the eyes -- or rather, eye holes. The mask concealed his eyes, showing only two dark chasms where they should've been.

"You must have many questions," he said softly. I gave no response. His eyes appraising me, Ren continued, "I have brought you here because I need your assistance. And you will give it to me."

I licked my lips, glancing around. Help with what?

From the recesses of his cloak, Ren removed a box. It was dark ebony, and carved with intricate designs.

Placing it on the ground before me,  Ren began to speak, "We attained this box from a planet in the Jakku star system. We have attempted to open it, but we believe it can only be unlocked by one who is extremely strong in the Light Side of the Force."

I looked at the box, then up to Ren, then back down again. I couldn't help myself from asking the seemingly obvious question, "Why would I be able to open it? I don't know how to use the Force."

Ren stalked up to me, face inches from mine. He whispered in a barely concealed fury, "Do not lie to me, girl." Stepping back, he swept his arms wide. "There is no need for you to hide your secret any longer. You can tell us all what we already know."

Trembling, I spoke again with a shake of my head, wishing I could give another answer, "I really don't know what you're talking about."

"We know your bloodline,"  Ren practically shouted, pointing a gloved finger at me. "We have sources that confirmed your use of the Force on Unkar Plutt in Jakku." I did a double-take. What was he talking about? But Ren continued, "We know your father is Luke Skywalker."

I stared in shock at him, attempting to process what had just been stated. "My father lived on Jakku," I said slowly. "He wasn't -- a Jedi."

"I do not have time for your games!" Ren strode to behind me, and I flinched as he drew near. An unseen force shoved me down so that I was kneeling directly in the front of the box. "Open it," he whispered in my ear.

I knew that denial meant certain death, but I didn't know where to begin. If one expertly trained in the Dark Side couldn't open the box, how could a native of Jakku?

I narrowed my eyes at it, trying to think of a way out of it. None came to me.


My breathing quickened as I felt Ren's unease grow behind me.

It started in the tips of my fingers. A tingling sensation. It spread through my arms and into my core. I could feel it pulsating through me and in the air around me. Mentally grabbing it, I focused it on the hinge of the box. Closing my eyes, I concentrated hard.

The box began to vibrate slightly, and I heard Ren's intake of breath behind me.

I felt the latches pulling, the lock clicking --

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