Chapter 12

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Your POV

"Its been a while hasn't it?" Her soul started to split and Stars began to dissipate.

"It has, and your not hurting anyone." I dashed from the couch and tackled Ojua out the door and into the high way away from Star, that was short lived.

"Don't touch her!" Star grabbed my waist and plucked me from Ojua.

"Sorry love." You elbowed Star in the stomach causing him to drop you too your feet. I threw a potion to his forehead and put him to sleep.

"Oh how sad, my protector is gone. Let's finish this." Her soul sent into place of her weapon a large double bladed war hammer.

"Glad to." Two Great Swords formed from my soul, medieval...yes, Heavy? Fairly. But no matter. Her partner was brought forth so I called for Milo.

"Ah, Serenity and Forgiveness, how nice to be able to kill you." Her smile was wicked same as her partners.

"Lust and Envy, stand down." Our gazes however where cold and un wavering.

"Rather not goody two shoes." We shrugged we allowed forgiveness and Serenity. What more could we do.

"Battle forms ready." Milo slightly bellowed in the streets. Ojua went first with surrounding red lights, her form was none other than delivering. Leather black wings with a very long red tail, black horns sprouted from the top of her head and curled down to her neck.

"Your just an oversized goat with wings."

"You shouldn't be talking." My turn! Yeah!!!!! A blue light surrounded me, my white feathered wings came from between my shoulder blades and raised above the top of my head. A white dress sprouted over my original clothes covering my body to the ground or my ankles the heels helped keep it from the ground. The dress split mid thigh on both the right and left thighs. A halo appeared above my head with two small horns sprouting from the top.

"Aw... Look at the baby goat! My half sister is so disappointing! Look at her trying to be such a heroic little half Kishin!"

"Shut up! I may be half but I'm still stronger than you!" She arced her weapon down quickly, I jumped on the shaft of the head of the hammer and delivered a heavy kick to her chest. She coughed and spit a little bit of blood.

"Hidden blades, nice trick."

"Learned it from the first Sen."

"Sen?" The hammer dissipated and changed to a long sword, my two combined to make one great sword.

"My friends call me Sen or Seren, you only get to call me Seren."

"Your my sister, I should have a special right."

"(Y/n)? What is she talking about?" Soul queried, Maka too.

"I'll tell you later. For now get inside with Star."

"Ah!" A low strike was sent and easily stopped with a small parry.

"Enough with the child's play."

"Fine." Ojua's foot stamped to the ground revealing the Gry Bikers pentagram.

"I must confess... I feel like a monster!" My eyes turned red and both of our swords grew red and long. We flew into the air and broke the sound barrier causing cars to fly over buildings and trees to nearly topple from where they stood.

"Just die!" Our swords clashed and sent lightning through the clouds and turned the air crisp. We stayed locked starring into each others eyes. "There's my sister."

"I feel the rage and I can't control it."

"Release it!"

"I hate what I've become."

"Let me help you!"

"Its just beneath the skin. It wants my soul and my heart."

"Free yourself."

"The darkness has just begun!" I kicked her stomach and she flew back some sending a loud boom of thunder through the sky, it started to rain and by rain I mean pour, our clothes and hair were drenched in mere seconds.

"Glad you admit it."

"It will come to an end."

"Not while I'm still alive."

"You won't be for very long." Her tail shot out and wrapped tightly around my neck, she slowly lured me into her.

"Your so easy. I feel bad for you sister."

"The secret side of me I never let you see. I must confess, I feel like a monster." A large black needle shot from my stomach and launched into her chest, her blood splattered all over my white dress and over my face, slowly with wild eyes I licked her blood from my lips.

"Satisfied?" She croaked.

"Barely." My wavelength shot through her tail and paralyzed her entire body. "Your not very fun." I whined as her tail fell to the blade of my sword and sliced in half and fell through the clouds.

"Want more?" She recovered and went for a left sided strike that I stopped with the heel on my shoe, my leg was brought above my shoulders and held there. "Your quiet the flexy one, aren't you."

"Have to be." My blade pierced the side of her neck.

"Let's play."

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