Chapter 3

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Writers POV

You and Kid finally arrived to you classroom to see a thirty six year old male with stitches and a sctew through his head talking to the class.

"Hello professor Stein." He stopped his lesson and turned towards us.

"Ah Kid. And uh... Who is this?" You walked in with Kid and everyone gasped at me.

"The name is (Y/n) Evans." He looked at you in disbelief.

"I see... Kid, did you find out where the witches soul came from?"

"I did sir, and uh... Well let's just say she ate it." He pointed towards you and everyone stared at you wide eyed.

Your POV

"What I'm a death scythe. What's wrong with that?" Soul ran up to me and hugged me.

"Oh my little sis I am so proud of you!" He started crying all over my jacket.

"Danmit Soul this is so uncool!" Everyone giggled and I shot them all a glare. Silence fell over the crowd as Soul put me down. I straightened out my outfit.

"I can't help it I am so proud!" He nearly hugged me again but I put a blade up to his neck and held him against wall. He winced in pain.

"Stop crying before I smack some sense into you!" He instantly stopped crying.

"You wouldn't." He threatened.

"I do it to Star. So why wouldn't I do it to you?" He gulped afraid of my next actions. I got rid of the blade and walked up to a spot in the back of the class. Soul just sat there stunned.

"You gave me a nickname?!"

"Your names to long for, so why wouldn't I?" Star looked at you like you where crazy. You walked over to him and slapped him. "Think strait knuckle head." You walked away and everyone started laughing.

"Enough!" Stein called over the classroom. "What impact did she make slapping some 'sense' into you 'Star'?"

"He actually was quite on the way home and startled me when he said he was thinking." Everyone leaned back in their chair and took a very loud intake of breath Stein fell out his chair in shock. Everyone turned their heads toward me noticing I was involved in my music.

"Star has a crush!" Everyone yelled at the top of their lungs catching your attention. You took out the ear buds and looked around confused.

"What did I miss?" Everyone stopped and you looked at Star who had an enormous blush on his face. You rolled your eyes and continued on with your music.

A person with this thing coming his/her back walked into the classroom and Maka ran down to the person as a person walked in who I easily recognized. I pulled out the ear buds not noticing that Star had left.

"Miss Marie?!" She looked up at me. Her eye sparkled with happiness. I ran down to her and we embraced each other in a hug. "OMG! Slap sense into me!" She slapped me and I shook my head like a shaggy dog. "Thank you Miss Marie."

"My pleasure dear."

"How do you know each other?" Stein asked from beside us.

"She used to help me train until Soul left. So Marie... Still looking for a man?" She hung her head.


"Do you trust me?" She nodded her head and looked up at me. "I know a lot of people that are looking for someone."

"Really?!"I nodded my head and she was the one hugging me. I slapped sense into her. "Thank you. When can I meet them?"

"When I head over town. I will pick you up before I leave okay?"

"Okay! Oh Maka. Read this with me." They looked at the paper and read in silence. They handed me the paper and went into the corner.

"What can be so depressing about a poem?" Me and Soul said at the same time as he approached behind me.

"We shouldn't be in school it is to bright outside. Come on!" I looked and the doorway and Soul instantly handed me a tissue.

"Thanks Soul."

"No prob." Everyone looked at me with the tissue to my nose. I started to feel heat rise up on my checks.

"Star put your shirt back on!"

"Is my goddess uncomfortable?" I glared at him and grabbed a fist full of his blue hair discarding the tissue.

"What did you just call me?" I brought his face up to mine so he could see the rage in my eyes. He smirked and I tightened my grip on his hair. He leaned into my neck and whispered.

"My goddess." My eyes widened and I got shivers down my spine from the breathe on my neck. I smirked and handed him the paper.

"Read this." He grabbed the paper and begun to read. He handed Soul the paper and walked over to the corner.

"Again. What is so bad about this poem?" Soul and I said in unison again as we both started to the read the paper. He handed me the paper and walked to the corner. I looked at the name at the bottom.

"Crona?" I walked over the Crona and put my arms her and hugged her. "I'm sorry." I cried on her shoulder and she slowly wrapped her arms around me.

"Why did this have to happen to me?" I parted from Crona and looked at her.

"I am here if you need anything,okay?
And remember. Who you where before, try and not let reflect that on you." I gave her the most warming smile I could offer as the bell rang and she left.

"Sid when the hell did you get here?" I could hear soul yell as everyone left.

"Soul, mom said to accept anyone in the emo corner."

"Fine sorry." He mumbled.

"Well any way see you at the house Soul and Maka. I have to go to lord death." Soul and Maka stood and walked towards me.

"Why?" They said this unison.

"And you say Soul and I are twins." I gigled and walked away off to lord deaths room.

Souls POV

I walked back over to the end corner and pulled Star out of the emo. I glared at him holding his hair so I don't touch him.

"What did you say to her?"

"What do you mean?" He was teasing me. I threw him at a wall making a large Star person dent

"Don't force her into anything knuckle head."

"I'm not going to. This is what Tsubaki meant by I was being quite and thinking."he smirked at me and I waved him off walking to the cafeteria.

Souls Sister (Black*Star x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang