Chapter 8

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Your POV

Once Vira left I started jogging down the hallway with Star behind me. I know I have to figure something out because he needs a weapon and I need to stay as a Meister... Got It!

I stopped halfway to the garage. I looked at the scythe I held in my hands and brought it down to make contact with the top of my knee. One side turned to a replica of Tsubaki's enchanted sword mode and the other turned back to a double bladed scythe just a tad bit shorter.

"Here. You need a weapon and I need to stay as I am."

"But your a weapon, why don't I just use you?"

"Because it will be harder for you too carry four tires that weigh nearly seventy pounds."

"Your wounded what good will you do?"

"Star I hold my own! Don't give me that weakling play! Just take this and deal with it!" I shoved the soul in his hands and sprinted the rest of the way with Star a little bit behind.

We finally reached the garage to see soldiers standing around and arguing. Some where beating each other for vehicles and others layed dead or injured.

"What do we do?" Star whispered beside me.

"I got this." I whispered back. I ran forward as Star just stood there. "Yeah! Let's play!" The soldiers turned around and began to run.

"Leave us alone Seren! We are sorry for your car! Please forgive!"

"Forgiveness is a virtue not a right!" The soldiers where stuck in a corner as Star jogged up from behind me.

"Dude help us please?" The soldiers begged as some started to cry.

"Why would I help you if you tried to kill me?" The soldiers looked to one another shivering in fear and grief.

"We were just following orders. We didn't mean any harm."

"You caused harm! Look at her!" He pointed to my blood stained dress.

"Star I'm fine."

"No your not! Wait... What?" He looked me over. The tears in my dress where evident but no cuts or gun shot wounds where to be seen. "How?"

"Questions later." I threw a long rope to the front soldiers. "Tie yourselves." I left the group and jogged over to the tower of tires.

"Hurry up!" Star yelled at the soldiers as I knocked four tires from the top of the tower. They all decided to topple down, I didn't really care. I grabbed two tires and walked over to Star.

"Go grab two tires. I got this." He nodded his head as he went over to the fallen tower grabbing two of his own.

"Okay let's go." We left the soldiers where they were still tying themselves and made our way back to Eleanor.

"Eleanor. I need a '58 ford mustang. These tires aren't meant for this model."

"Yes master." Eleanor got surrounded in a black a light. The light faded and Eleanor was a black '58 mustang with white pinstripes down the sides and two red stripes down the top of the car.

"Good girl." I knelt down dropping the two tires on one side while Star placed his two tires on the other.

"Master. Fighter jets inbound on our position."

"Thank you Eleanor. Connect with Vira and check their current position."

"Yes master."

Souls POV

"Vira this is Eleanor. Master needs your position."

"Yes Eleanor. We are only ten minutes from death city. Is something wrong?"

I listened to the two shards communication and what they were saying.

"Fighter jets are inbound on our current position. We may need backup. Wait for further instructions."

"Yes Eleanor." Vira stopped... And not easily may I add.

"Vira, why did we stop?" Maka asked beside me.

"Master may be in trouble. I must stay here until further instructions."

"Black*Stars in trouble?"

"Possibly miss Tsubaki. Please remain calm. Any emotional shift will cause me to recalibrate."

The car shifted hard as Tsubaki started to cry. Kid tried his best to comfort her but he couldn't do it. It wasn't symmetrical. Maka switched places with Kid and comforted her. Her cry' s stopped a few minutes later and Vira shifted again but a little bit lighter than before.

Your POV

"Eleanor call Vira back here. Were gonna need her."

"Yes master. Anything else?"

"I need you in your canon."

"Liz and patty master?"

"Preferable when they went against Asura please."

"Yes master." The tires connected to Eleanor as she transformed. Where she used to be now stood two giant gold canons.

"Wow. Right on point." Star said as he handed me the shard I had lent him to clear the way to the garage.

Soul's POV

"Vira. Mater needs you. Please return to us with your weapons ready. Protect the others as well."

"Yes Eleanor." The car barrel rolled to the side and began to head back to the mountain with a hyper type speed. Vira must really be in a rush to get back to (Y/n).

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