Chapter 6- Old news

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After the night was over and Jack went to the pole where all the guardians where. They had a small meeting about how they combined and what to do with pitch.
By the end of the meeting they decided Jack and sandy would use the double powers to make pitch powerless than we would all give the slightest bit of our power to a globe of goodness. Pitches evil power will be put into the globe and all the other power will turn it good. After this pitch will get back a quarter of his powers the rest going to the other guardians evenly. The good thing about doing this is we will get slight variations of pitches power. For example he could find out people's biggest fear, now we can too, as well as their hopes, dreams, desires, joys, sadnesses and everything like that. And now pitch will live his greatest nightmare of being good, and stopping nightmares.

Everyone has a special power of good and use in them, it just takes a special person to be approached by man on the moon.
The End

"For now, mahahahahah" says ...

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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