Chapter 3- Chance

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All the guardians look around frantically looking for sandy. He is nowhere to be found.
"Pitch, pitch is has to be him" says Jack
North loudly says " this is too far, yet again pitch! We need our revenge, guardians lets go!"
All the guardians jumped through a  snow globe portal  and went out to the open. They waited for night fall and as it came they saw pitch appear but no sandy.
Pitch store at all of them and with and evil grin said "where's sandy, was he too scared to face me?"
Bunny boldly yelled "oi pitch, what did ya do with him?"
"Nothing yet" says pitch evilly yet honestly
Staring at the moon North says " I think his telling the truth!"
"Yea but that doesn't matter, what he did to Jack was way to far!" Says tooth.
Jack says "what did he do? I don't remember."
"Why don't I show you!" Says Pitch and with one swift hand movement sends some daemon flying at tooth. Jack concentrates as much as he can and tries to send ice flying over in front of tooth to save her. It doesn't work no ice goes over to her, instead sand goes flying in front her and blocks the demon.

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