Chapter 2- Return

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Sandy continues  to follow the steps of the plan until he gets to the second last step, giving the replica life. Not to the surprise of the guardians he brought the replica to life, as he said he could. Tooth stood their amazed and star struck as she store into the replica of Jack's eyes and said " he's just like the real Jack"
"Oh damn nearly back already, I was just starting to enjoy the peace and quiet" says Bunny boldly.
Sandman smiles and looks at the replica contently for quite a while.
Bunny weakling says to Sandman "come on bring Jack back, quickly!"
"Sounds like you don't miss Jack at all!'Do ya bunny!" Says North
Bunny quickly replies "No! No! Maybe just a little bit, but if you tell him I'll roast you on the barbie next to the shrimp, or maybe some kangaroo, better still a yeti!"
North replies " You wouldn't dare!"
Tooth laughs and giggling says " Boys, boys. Cut it out, let's just bring Jack back now. Is that alright sandy"
Sandy nods as begins to manipulate sand to move the replica, he begins to put the replica into Jack, but just as he was about to put him in the replica fell lifeless.
So sandy quickly push more life into him with a determine face, followed by putting the replica into Jack. In doing this a small snowflake was formed from the area around Jack. All the guardians rushed over to Jack and noticed his eyes opening. Than closing and not reopening. Sandy signals the other guardians back and lowers himself to Jack. Sandy places one hand on Jacks head and the other on Jacks heart. The guardians all observe that snowflakes made of sand start forming under Sandy's hands on Jack. Sandy steps back leaving a weird sand trail and watches Jack with the guardians, they notice his eyes reopen and the sand snowflakes turn to ice. They watch as Jack steps to his feet. They all heard an unfamiliar voice coming from behind them, where sandy was. The voice says "He's back". They all turned to see a pile of sand. Nothing else.

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