Chapter 1- Lifeless

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"Jack, Jack, Jack Frost wake up. Please" says Tooth
"It's no use" Says North,  " yea tooth, it's hopeless" Bunny adds.
"I still can't believe pitch did this" Tooth says
"Its typical pitch. But he can't get away with it! If only there was a way we could get our revenge and save the children from him, FOREVER! " says North
"Sandman" North says "you, you could save him. You could bring him back!"
Fearfully Tooth says " No, it's to risky!" Interrupting Bunny says " What harm can it do, Sandy goes whoosh, Jack is fixed. Easy. Done. "
"Yea it could be done. Sandy? Can you do it?" Says North
Sandy nods and begins to explain to the guardians how he will make a sand replica put life into it and put it into Jack, all of them stand there confused. In slight frustration Sandy starts to create something sand in his hands. The guardians stare and watch what sandy is making, it's a plan of how he will save Jack.
After seeing the simple version of the plan all the guardians nod in agreement, and staring at the moon North says "It's time, sandy are you ready?"
Sandy nods and begins the process of bringing Jack back, step by step. Little did he or any of them know, there was a single fault in his plan. The life.

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