Chapter 5- Create and Capture

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On arrival at pitch Jack lock and freezes pitch's hands together so he can't stop the demon. He than covers his whole body with sand except one stop, where the demon will hit. Than by simply announcing the word freeze the sand surrounding pitch's body freezes.
The demon hits. This creates some rebound bubble that force fields the area around pitch, it wasn't protecting pitch it was containing him. The demon did no physical harm to pitch it just made his biggest fear become a reality.
North yelled out " Great job Jack! Whatever you did to him it worked. I'll leave him for you to deal with but first go deliver some dreams. I'll watch pitch back at the pole till than."
"All right, here goes nothing" says Jack and with a few gentle hand movements he made himself a cloud much like the one sandy used but instead made of ice and sand. Sand being at the bottom ice on top. Jack hopped onto the cloud and floated to the sky. The guardians notice amazing sand creations float down to the children, grander than the ones Sandy ever made. Not greater because Jack is better, not because Sandy is boring, but because of there cores combining. Sandy's creativity, Jack's fun and understanding of children combined creates things unimaginably perfect.

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