Chapter 15: Aftermath

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I don't know how long I've been here. Sitting. Staring at nothing. I'm still wearing the suit from the funeral and the sub is starting to go down. My guess is about 3 hours.

I pull my legs to my chest and let tears fall from my face. How am I gonna do this without her? Graduation is tomorrow.

" Hey sport." I whip around to see my dad. He looks terrible. The whole side of his face is swollen and bruised and his smile is crooked.

" I knew I'd find you here." I turn away from him and look at the town. He comes and sits down next to me.

" I'm sorry. I didn't know that would offend you. I'm just trying to help."

" I know." I choke out.

" I really think that you should go to graduation. I know it will be hard but you worked so hard for this." he says.

" I can't do this without her." I confess.

" She'll be there." He says. I look at him strangely. He just smiles.

I sighed. " Alright." I say.

* * *
Beeeeeep! I slowly open my eyes and see that the clock says 9:30. I have to be at my graduation ceremony at 10. I get out of bed, put on jeans, a t-shirt, and blue hoodie. I don't even bother to exercise. I go to the kitchen and start eating a bowl if cereal. My dad comes out to the kitchen as sits down across from me.

" Mornin' sport." I don't even talk. I just keep eating my cereal.

" You ready for today?" He asks.

I say nothing.

"Well, I have a surprise for you after the ceremony." he says smiling.

I get up, and start to leave without a word.

" Where you going?" dad asks.

" To the school." I mumble. As I open the door.

"But you didn't finish your cereal." He says.

I look back at him and leave. Slamming the door behind me

I start heading towards the school, my mind swirling with memories of Isabella, my mother, my dad. I just feel so deflated. Everything I had got taken from me. What am I supposed to do? I think in despair.

After a while I appear at the school. Filled with dozens of graduates telling everyone of there plans after high school. I walk towards the auditorium and everyone turns to look at me. I hear whispers of, " He was with her," or, " What do you think happened?"
I walk past them all, and get my gown and cap. I then take my seat in the auditorium and wait for it to start.

* * *
The ceremony went on as most do. Students and teachers make speeches. We all get called up row by row for our diplomas, people dancing when they get their diplomas, blah blah blah. All I could think about was getting out of here. I think. I don't deserve it.

Eventually my row was called up. Finally, my name was called. I walked up as a bunch of people clapped for me, then I took my seat again. At the end of the ceremony, the principal, Mr. Malfetti, came to the podium.

" This has been a great day for these students. An accomplishment that will be carried with them the rest of their lives. One that is proof that they passed the first stage of their lives and are equipped to move to the next. But many of us know that not everyone from this class got to graduate."

What! I think. There making a speech?

" Isabella, a bright spirit that lit up this school, passed away before she could pass this stage of her life."

I hear people sobbing and see them shaking there heads and that's when everything comes rushing back. The blood. The kiss. The monitor. Her lips. Then I just feel like I'm going to explode. I can't take it anymore. I stand, and get the heck out of the auditorium.

* * *

I was walking away. Away from the auditorium. I don't know where but away from that place.

" Antonio!" someone yells. I keep walking. I hear footsteps when that someone grabs my arm. I whip around to see my dad. Who holds his hands up in self defense.

" Don't hit me!" I roll my eyes and start away again.

" Antonio, where are you going!" He asks in an exasperated voice.

"Away dad!" I yell behind me. He finally catches up to me and stands in front of me.

" Move." I say.

" No. not until you tell me what's going on with you." he says with a stern look on his face.

" What going on! I'll tell you! I can't stay here anymore! Everything that I had is gone. Isabella, Mom," I start.

" I'm still here." he says.

" I know but it's not the same. Nothing is." I say. I push past him knowing I hurt him but its the truth. Nothing is the same here. We try to make it but its not.

I sprint home and grab my backpack. I stuff clothes in it, $85 of my saved birthday money, and anything that I'll need. I then write a note and place it on the kitchen table and left my house. I went to the bust stop 10 miles away from my house and waited for the bus.

The bus finally pulled up and I gave the driver $10.

" Where to kid," he asks.

" I don't know yet," I say. He just shrugs.

" Take a seat." he says.

"Thank you." I say and take a seat at the back of the bus. The bus starts to pull away and I look back at my town. I guess this is the next stage of my life. A different life. A new Start.

" Goodbye dad," I whisper, as my town gets out of my view.

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