Chapter 14: Funeral

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" No one expected her to go so fast." Says Mike. The morning of Isabella's funeral. The afternoon will be torturous. Tonight even worse.

When the monitor beeped. Nurses ans Doctors came rushing in. Shoving me out of the way. They used a defibrillator to try a restart her heart, but I knew it was too late. I was standing helpless waching as they tried to save her. But they couldn't.

I slowly walked back ti the waiting room where Isabella's famiky waited for me. I didn't have to say a word. One look at my face and they would see it. They knew.

Pat fell into her husbands arms and sobbed. Mike held her and sobbed with her. John stood up and threw his chair. Punching the wall as his face turned bright red.

Their youngest child, was dead.

* * *

Isabella's family invited me to her funeral. I really didn't want to go. But I can't disappoint her in her death. I sit in the third row looking at nothing and everything the same time. Wuth my fancy suit yet a grim expression.

" But as hard as it is, we must accept it. She is in a better place with our great God. "

With that, started to bury her. Throughout the whole burial. I sat expressionless. Empty.

* * *

I stand at Isabella's grave and description.

Isabella Marellez

Loving daughter, sister and friend.

I smile when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see my dad.

" Heya sport." I look back at her grave.

" Look, I know this is hard for you. But you need to keep moving forward. " He says.

" I don't think I can, " I whisper. Dad runs his han through his hair amd sighs.

" All I'm saying is that you could at least make it to free graduation. " He says.

" I can't dad. Nothing is the same. First Mom, now Isabella. I can't-" Tears sting my eyes.

" But you've worked so hard for this. You can't give up on it. Isabella wouldn't want this." He argues. At this moment, somethig makes me snap. Maybe its because he was the one forcing me into this in the first place. Or because he used Isabella as an excuse.

I turned around and slammed my fist against his face.

" Don't you dare, talk about her like that!" I hiss. My dad falls t the ground holding his face. I look in horror at my fist then to my dad. Then did the only logical thing I could think of.

I ran.

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