Chapter 10: Fears

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I undress and hop in the shower and the second I feel the warm water all my worries melted away. The warm water flows through my hair and for a moment, only a moment, the nightmare stopped. The worries paused and death seemed like a fantasy. But I stepped out, got dressed and was back in reality. The cold air reminds me of the cold reality of death. The way a person looks when they die. They look like stale bread. A corpse.

I wonder through my house, stuck in my thoughts. My mothers death caused a giant hole to form in my family. We stayed half an hour past the funeral just staring at her grave. My dad nelt there and cried by her grave. I just watched. I was so cold i didn't even cry. I believed I would never feel again. Or so I thought. When Isabella came along.  She made my dad laugh, and me smile. She's always talking so we just listen, since were not big talkers anyways. Losing her. I'm not sure we could make it through that. 

By now I've wondered all throughout the house with my head in the clouds and I came up with a solution. I can't lose her, I think. I can't.

* * *

I stood at the top of the hill and waited. After having my head in the clouds for half of the day, I decided I should tell Isabella. You know, comunication and stuff. I texted her quater to twelve and asked her to meet me at the hill. Yeah, thats what were calling it now. I got here early just to clear my head. Figure out what I'm gonna say. I've been pacing for fourty-five minuets now waiting for her to show up.

After a while I got lost in the scenery. The hill gives me a good look at our town. It's so small. Starts to make me wonder how I've never seen Isabella before. How could I miss someone with such radiant hair. Man, I must be blind.

Suddenly, I felt arms wrap around my chest and a chin rest on my shoulder. I smile and turn around to meet Isabella's beautiful eyes.

" Hey Tony," she says. I smile, lean in and kiss her. She kisses back and I feel a smile spread across my face and I kiss her harder. But she pulled away. I'm left with a stupid expression on my face as I look at her. She just laughs.

" You must have a good reason for dragging me out here at twelve O' clock in the morining." I give her a confused look.

" It's twleve o' clock. Why were you still in bed?" I asked.

" Hey, it's the weekend no one gets up early," she says chuckling. Umm.

" Why are we here?" she asks again. 

" Okay, sit down," I say sitting down. She followed suit. I take a deep breath and tell her everything. My Nightmare. Her death. My fears. I have no idea how long this takes, all I know is when I'm done Isabella has a worried expression.

" whoa," she says.

" Yeah," I ansrew.

" But that doesn't mean, I'm actually die. Right?" she asks. I could tell she's just trying to convince herself but I can't tell her anything that could comfort her. She leans her head on my shoulder and says,

" Look. We are going to gradate together in a few weeks and then we are going to go to the community colleges and see each other on the weekends. Just like we planned." she says with a smile.

" But what if we don't?"  I look at her. " What if we don't make it to graduation." I say.

" There's no reason why we wouldn't," she says. " We'll be fine and I won't die." She kisses me on the cheek and stands up. " I have to go get ready for dance,  I'll see you later Tony. Don't worry." She says and runs off. I get up and start to walk home. Maybe I'm just being parinoid. She'll be fine. 

I'm waking along the sidewalk when I hear an ambulance. I hear shouts of rage and crying. When I look up I see that there is smoke. It looks like its around Isabaella's house. No. I'm running. I'm not even sure my feet are touching the ground anymore. All I'm sure of is that the smoke is in front of Isabella's house. 

I get within a block of her house and I see a wrecked car with a massive dent in the front and the window smashed. The whole house is quarentined and a guy is getting arrrested. I see Isabella's dad holding her mom and her mom is crying. Her brother is screaming at the guy and the police are holding him back. Where is Isabella? That's when I see it. I see her blonde hair laying in a pool of blood. Everything stopped. Everything around me and my heart. I ran over to the yellow tape ignoring its caution and running into the scene to see her unconcious and covered in her own blood. 

I hear the police yelling at me to get out of there, but I can't even hear them. I kneel down next to her broken body and gently pick her up so her head is resting in my arms. Her face forhead is covered in blood and her blonde hair is now a scarlet color. Her left arm is broken and her right leg is losing blood real fast. 

" Isabella,"  I whisper to her. " Ansrew me," I whisper. Desperate to her voice, telling me she's fine. But she remains still and her face is turning pale. " Please," I cry.

I rest my forehead on hers and let my self cry. " Please don't leave me," I cry. " Please."

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