Chapter 11: Worry

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What happened next was a blur. It was a mix of screaming, tears and the ambulance. They took Isabella from me and startled putting her in the ambulance. I watch them put her on the gurney, trying to save as much blood at they can. How could this happen.

" Who the heck was that guy!" Yelled John. " I'll kill him!"

" Dot say that," said Isabella's dad.

"Why not! Its that idiots fault!" John yells even louder. I run over to where Isabella's family is gathered and now the confusion is settling in.

" What happened," I ask alarmed. They all turn and look at me. Isabella's mom and dads eyes were filled with sadness and her brothers is filled with rage.

" Isabella texted us to tell us that she was in her way home. We were already at the car when we saw her rounding the corner." Said her mom eyes tearing up. " Then a car was swerving on the road it was headed right for her. She had no time to react." She was bursting into tears now.

" That stupid, drunk, idiot hit her!" yelled John. He looked ready to strangle someone.

" We need to get to the hospital, now," said Her dad.

" Right I'm going with you," I say.

" What?" asked her dad.

" You hear me, let's go," I say heading towards their car.

* * *

We are all sitting in there car on the way to the hospital. No one says a word. John was staring out the window, Mike and patty were trying to get to the hospital as quickly as possible and I was staring at my hands. They were covered in Isabella's blood. So was my shirt and pants. There was so much blood.

" Ugh! are we almost there!" yelled John.

" Almost," said patty. She looked back at me with concern.

" Are you alright?" she asked me.

I just looked at her.

No I'm not alright! Isabella just got hit with a car Sherlock!

"I'm fine," I said. Can't the car go any faster.

* * *

We all run into the hospital. When we walk in there, it's all a mess of confusion. A lady's hand is covered in dried blood, she looks like she is about to pass out. Another guy did pass out in his chair. But I pushed past them all, all that mattered was Isabella.

We searched and seared until finally we ran into the nurse.

" Nurse, we need your help," said Mike.

" Yes, what is it?" asked the nurse as she hurriedly went behind the front desk.

" Our daughter, she was hit by a car and-" started Patty.

" Yes. you must be the family I Isabella," said the nurse. She started typing something in the computer and waved for us to follow her. She leads us to a set of chairs right in front of the emergency doors.

" Is she alright?" asked John.

" She's in the emergency room now. She has a broken arm and a concussion but we don't know what's going on in her legs for sure, but they've lost a lot of blood. " Said the nurse.

" But is she going to be alright!" I yell. She stops walking and takes a deep breath. She slowly turns around to face us. Sadness lacing her voice when she says, " I think that you should just be prepared for the worst." The nurse walks through the emergency doors and disappears. Leaving us with the news that Isabella may not be coming back to us.

Patty lets out a strangled cry and starts to sink to the floor, Mike catches her and tries his best to comfort his wife but he's trying to hold back tears himself. John looks like he could tear something apart but stands still with his fist clenched. I can't move, I can't breathe. All I can do is stand still.

* * *

I rub outside and start to pace. Trying to clear my head. Get rid of the terrors of what could happen behind the double doors. But the longer I try to do this the more worried I get. My heart starts to race and my breath quickens. In the middle of my worry I remember something. Awe man! Dad!

I quickly pulled out my phone and called dad.

" Hello?" asked dad.

" Hey dad, it's me," I say.

" Antonio! Oh my goodness, where are you!" yelled dad.

" I'm at the hospital, Isabella's hurt," I say.

" What!" said dad.

" Yeah, I don't know when they'll let her out though," I sigh.

" Should I come to the hospital?" asked dad.

" Yea, sure. I gotta go dad, just wanted to let you know," I said.

" Okay sport, see ya," said dad and he hung up. As soon a I hung up I threw my phone. I don't know where it went, I was just angry. Angry at the world for doing this to me. I feel tears against my face and slowly sink to the ground.

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