Meeting Two Marauders

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                           Scarlet and I sat there by ourselves for a while until a pretty red-head with green eyes knocked on the compartment door, "May I sit here with you? Everywhere else is pretty full." We nodded and gestured for her to sit down. She smiled and sat down.

                            "My name is Dawn, and this is my sister Scarlet." I told her.

                            "I'm Lily Evans, Are you new here? I've never seen you two before and you don't look like first years. Are you transfers?" Ha, first years? I hope I don't look like a first year.

                            We shook our heads, "Nope, we're coming from Beauxbaton. We got expelled for pranking, but in our offense it was extremely funny to watch everyone go to classes with their hair in all directions." Scarlet said. I laughed at the memory but stopped when I saw Lily frown slightly.

                           I looked at Scarlet then back at Lily, "You don't mind mind pranks, do you?" I asked a little worried, I didn't want her to stop being friends with us just because of that. We had only just met and she seemed quite nice.

                          She smiled slightly, "Oh, I don't mind pranking, it's just that I don't like the marauders." She must have seen our confused faces because she continued, "The marauders are a group of boys who get in trouble for their pranking all time and the only one who actually cares about the rules is Remus. They're constantly losing us house points and even though we still win the house cup, it's not fun always getting pranked. They don't prank me though because one of them, James Potter, has a stalkerishly huge, bloody crush on me which is incredibly annoying." Just by looking at her face you could tell that it was probably more than just annoying.

                        I wouldn't tell Lily but I was actually intrigued by the marauders, I was actually anxious to meet them. It sounds like the Hogwarts guy versions of my sister and I so I would definitely be looking out for them at the castle, hopefully they're in our year.

                        "Well, don't worry Lily," Scarlet said, "We will watch out for them." I knew that Scarlet meant something different in her words than what she wanted Lily to think so I hope she didn't notice.

                        "Great," Lily said, "So what year are you guys going to be in?"

                        "5th, are you in our year?" I asked. I did want to know what year she was in, but also because if she was in our year, that would mean the marauders were too. She nodded and I smiled, atleast we would have a friend there to show us to classes and hopefully share a dorm with us. I wouldn't have survived if Scarlet wasn't with me at Beauxbaton to get lost and in trouble with.

                        We talked for a couple hours until the compartment door slid open, we didn't notice though because of our conversation until someone said, "Oh Lily-Bug!" Right when we heard that, you could visibly see Lily stiffen and frown before she even looked up.

                        "Hello Potter." She mumbled. Oh, so this was the annoying Potter she was talking about, the marauder. I was happy to see a fellow prankster but also slightly mad because he obviously made Lily uncomfortable.

                        "Oh don't be like that, Evans, " He said while sitting down next to her and putting an arm over her shoulders, "So who are your friends?" He asked, nodding towards us.

                        I responded before Lily could because it seemed as though she was about to yell at him, "My name is Dawn and this is my twin, Scarlet. We just transferred here from Beauxbaton."

                       "Why did you transfer? Get expelled?" He laughed, obviously joking. Ha, well, he's not joking, that's for sure.

                       "Yup!" Scarlet answered, popping the 'p'. He stopped laughing and looked slightly confused. Scarlet and I smiled while Lily looked amused, he obviously couldn't think of how we, two girls, could get ourselves expelled from Beauxbaton.

                       "May I ask how?" He asked. Lily gave us a look as if to say, 'Don't encourage him to want to be your friend.' The look scared me a little and must have scared Scarlet too because she responded cryptically.

                      "Just stuff." Scarlet said. 'Wow Scarlet nice save...' I thought sarcastically as I rolled my eyes. James must have seen me and wanted to ask again, but obviously thought better of it because he didn't say a word.

                      After about a minute of awkward silence, a boy with dirty blond hair and a book in his hand popped his head in and looked directly at James, "Hey Prongs, coming back to our compartment anytime soon? Padfoot is getting annoyed by Wormtail." He said, smiling at the thought. He was pretty good looking and when I turned to my left, I noticed that Scarlet thought so too. She was looking at him with a smile and a twinkle in her eyes, which may not seem like much but her and I never really thought about guys that much so when one of us does, the other can tell. I knowingly smiled at her.

                      But something he said confused me. Why did he call Potter 'Prongs' and who are Padfoot and Wormtail? 

                     "In a minute Moony." Moony? "I just wanted to talk to Lily-bug and her new friends." James said. Lily groaned at the nickname.

                     "Leave the poor girls alone Prongs," He said, rolling his eyes. Haha, this guy's cool. I wonder if he's a marauder too, he didn't seem like the pranking type.

                     "Are you a marauder?" I asked, talking for the first time he's been in here. James and 'Moony' looked shocked, probably wondering how I didn't know about them, or wondering why I asked. James expression soon turned from shocked to smug.

                    "Been talking about us, have you Lily-flower?" He smirked at her.

                   "Yeah, as stupid gits." She grumbled. "Besides Remus of course." She added. So I guess the boy's name is Remus, and apparently he is a marauder, probably along with 'Padfoot' and 'Wormtail'.

                   "Well, I'll be going! Don't miss me too much, Evans." James said. Lily snorted and Remus rolled his eyes, while Scarlet and I chuckled.

                   After they left Lily started her rant, "Ugh, he is so infuriating! He just assumed that I like him, which I don't by the way, and acts like we're dating! Why can't he leave me alone for just any year? But no, he decides to stalk me class to class!" This went on for about 4 minutes so I just hung upside down on the seat and made faces at the floor, you know, the usual. After she finished, she told us that we should go change into our robes so we changed and Lily went to get one of her other friends, Severus, while we stayed here.

                 "Scarlet! I just realized something! We haven't done a prank yet!" I said, horrified.

                 "Well, I have an idea for a small prank to keep us occupied if you're interested." She replied, smirking.

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