Chapter 6: Three Sharp Points

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The three of you walk into the crime scene, there was a female body on the floor, a gunshot wound on side of her head and a gun lying at the woman's feet.

You, surprisingly, have no reaction to the body. You look at it and quickly start pointing out small details. 

The body had been there a few days telling by the smell, how many? You, yourself couldn't tell. It was obviously a murder even if another gun was present. It wasn't the gun of the murderer, it'd be too stupid for them to leave the weapon there... Meaning another person was present as the event unfolded. 

After a few minutes Sherlock turns to you and asks, "Well?" 

You blink a few times, not expecting Sherlock to turn to you.

"S-Shouldn't John be giving you his opinion?"

"He said you might be useful. I want you to prove that. Tell me what you see." 

You look at John who shrugs at you,

"W-Well..." You tell him everything you could deduce finishing it off with, "That's all I could find..."

Sherlock nodded his head, "Good... for a rookie." 

You frown slightly, "What did I miss then?" 

"The obvious. There is blood on wall across the body meaning she was not the only one shot seeing as there is no trail of blood from the wall to the body. Three people were in fact in here as the events unraveled. Body has been here for only two hours, five the most. The one with the gun left intact but in shock, left his gun behind. It was new but never used before. He used it with extreme care and only picked it up while using gloves. So you're not going to find any fingerprints. He knew he would eventually kill someone so he only used leather gloves, they're thick and blend in with a crowd. New ones as well."

He takes a pause to let that sink in.

"The woman did not have a gun with her nor did she intend to kill anyone. She was, however, the one to fault that this all started. She's not married but obviously in a relationship. With whom? Probably the one that shot her. But why..." 

Sherlock turns to you once more and you reply with,

"She was in an affair with the other person who was here!"

"A male more than likely. But... Good job." 

Sherlock then looked down at the blood painted on the wall,

"There isn't much... Meaning the gun only touched him so slightly. A wound fatal enough to cause that amount of blood but harmless enough for you to cover it with your hand and walk away."

"Maybe it grazed his side, or shoulder." John added.

"Shoulder is our best probability, judging by the height of the splatter." 

Sherlock frowned slightly, "No phone? Laptop? Identity?" he turns to the man with grey short hair, 

"None of all. All her data was erased. We don't know how or why she did it. But she's technically none existent!"

"It wasn't her who did this... It was the murderer. She's nothing more than a commoner... She wouldn't have the capacity to delete herself from the world."

"The Murderer did it then. So we're looking at a over attached, jealous, genius." You finish off.

"Brilliant." Sherlock whispers to himself. 

You stare at him and he follows your example. 

'We're in a crime scene.' You mouth out.

'I know.' Sherlock mouths it out as well with a light smile at the end.

Sherlock then turns and starts walking away,

"No time to lose! We've got a woman to identify!" 

You look at Watson and meet his eyes. He seemed angry for some reason but he then sighs and walks toward Sherlock. You blink a few times before following behind. 

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