"Oh a game?" He raised is eyebrow, "And what's the prize?" He continued. I knew only one answer to that, we both knew it.

"Her brother." I say without a thought. Amelia's brother was the leader of a gang as well, they were always on the move and no one ever got their hands on them. Gangs around the world would do anything to have their hands on Reece.

"Ah the great Reece Valentino! Now isn't that prize." He smirked. "I must say Jason, you are evil, I never thought you sink so slow as to make a girl fall for you to kill her brother." He mused.

"Well you were wrong, she's just my little game." I confirmed.

"Well then, I better leave you to your game, I hope you win." He laughed and gestured for his men to follow him. When he reached the door her turned back to me, I raised my eyebrows at him.

"It's all fun and games, till somebody falls in love." He warned as if he was giving me advice. "But you already brought a ticket to that ride and there's no turning back now." He carried on with a shrug. And then he turned around and went.

I released a breath. No one is going to hurt my princess, not even me. 


I had my men watching Amelia making sure was okay and safe all day while I did gang work. At about 9 I decided to go and see her, to apologize for the way I acted. I really missed her arms around me.

I got up from my office chair and left the warehouse. I got into my car a drove to my mansion, when I got in I rushed up the stairs and went to my room, I freshened up and picked up the flowers I had dropped of in my room earlier by one of the girls in my gang.  Blue Crisanthenems, they were her favourite.  I got back in my car and drove to her house, I parked a few doors down so her brothers didn't see my car.

I may not be a threat but I'm another gang leader, and they could, scratch that, they would kill me if they saw me here alone with no back up, let alone here to see their sister. I don't want to have to kill Amelia's brothers, she'd hate me forever.

I climbed up the side of her house and went through her window, but there was no one in the room.. weird. She's always in her room. I call Seth, the guy I had watching her. I started to feel a little worried.

"Boss." He greeted sharply.

"I'm in her room. Where is she?" I questioned him.

"She's at John's club with Jazz." What the hell! Why would  Jazz take her to a club she's not even legal. I angrily hung up the phone and put the flowers on her bedside table. I claimed down the side of her house and got into my car. I speed of to the club she was at, going faster than the speed limit, 90mph.

When I got there it was packed. I went straight up to the bouncer and he let me in looking frightened. Let's just say I have a reputation at this club. He let me straight in. I frantically looked round and spotted Seth, I stormed over to him.

"Where is she?" He pointed in a direction and I follow his line. She was dancing with Jazz laughing and swaying her hips. All my anger left and was replaced with lust. Amelia had her back to me giving me quite the view of her ass, I started to walk over to her and Jazz noticed me, she gave me a knowing look and went  off with someone else. When I was behind Amelia I grabbed her hips and danced with her, she whipped around and looked me in the eyes.

"Jase.." She trailed off smirking. Dam the way name sounded on her lips and that smirk hand me going crazy.

"Princess..." I whispered in her ear. I felt her shiver and it was my time to smirk.

'Get a little closer, get a little closer.'

I pulled her closer to me and she swayed her hips more.

'Cliffs edge you turn me on, you lead me on, you got me on a cliffs edge, you turn me on, I wanna feel our secret's.'

This is Amelia's favourite song, and it was setting the perfect moment.

She put the arms round my neck, her touch made my skin explode with fireworks.

'Your hips, your lips they're mine.'

I pulled her closer if that was even possible my hands gripped her hips as she swayed, she was looking into my eyes.

'kiss me with adventure ahh till I forget my name.'

She crashed her lips to mine and I instantly kissed back. She teased me making me groan and grab her ass, everything got heated. She pulled back my lip in her teeth, I couldn't hold back my moan. I heard a giggle escape her lips, It was the cutest sound she had ever made, I took in her face, her eyes were blood shot, only then I realized she was drunk, shit! No wonder she didn't flip out on me about earlier.

"Aren't you too young for this club?" I whispered in her ear.

"What are you going to do" She challenged. I raised my eyebrows and threw her over my shoulder. She started talking nonsense to Jazz and giggling un controllably, dear god.

"Can I have a pet cow?" She questioned sounding like a four year old. I couldn't help but laugh.

"No." I told her. I heard her call me a meanie then she passed out.

I walked out the club and placed her in my car, doing up her seat belt  and kissing her forehead. I got into the drives seat, I drove her home, the light on my dash board saying 2 am. I sighed.

When I parked outside her house I shook her gently awake.

"Princess.. wake up, you need to go into your house." I whispered.

"What time is it?" She mumbles.

"2 am" I answer. Her eyes snap open I hear her mumble 'shit' and quickly get out the car and run inside her house. I shake my head and get out myself, I go to the side of the house and climb up to her bedroom, I sit on her bed and wait for her, I can hear shouting downstairs. I start to get angry, they better not hurt her, my fist clench.

After a few minutes she stumbles into the room, I catch her before she falls.

"Shhh they'll hear you." She giggles. I just smirk and lay her down on the bed. I take of her shoes and dress. I take off my top and place it over her head.

"What a view." I hear her giggle. I chuckle a little and get in the bed and pull her close to me.

"Shh, go to sleep princess." I hear her sigh and in a few minutes she's asleep. This girl is driving me crazy already, I kiss the top of her head and she cuddles into my chest. I soon follow after her and fall alseep. 

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