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I could  see a dark figure of muscular man in the corner of my room, he was breathing heavily, so heavily.. I felt uneasy under his gaze, recognition hit me although his face was blurred and  I couldn't  see his features I knew who it was, he was a monster that  haunted my mind everyday.. Brandon..

"Go away Brandon!"  I command , with a random boost of confidence. He let out a low deadly chuckle. He started to walk towards me, painfully slow, he wanted to see me uncomfortable.

"Come on Lia, let's have some fun." It was a command and I knew it, he picked up his pace walking closer, his breathing louder and scarier than ever, I could feel my heart pounding in my ears. I felt hot tears streaming down my face.

"Please not again!" I beg, "Please! I'm sorry!" I was crying hysterically, I felt sick to my stomach.

"SHUT UP!" He shouted in my face and yanked my hair. He leaned close to my ear and whispered in a deadly tone. "This is all your fault  Lia, you deserve every bit of pain I'm going to give you, you deserve this." Then he punched me in the stomach pushed me against the wall  by my throat, his fist closed around my neck, I couldn't breath, I clawed at his hands.

"Please!" I beg crying hysterically, suddenly his weight was lifted of me, another black figure was standing over him

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" The figure shouted, punching and kicking Brandon repeatedly until he was unconscious, I gasped, the figures head snapped toward me.

I suddenly gasp and sit up straight in my bed, I'm sweating and breathing unevenly, I can feel tear stains down my cheeks. I press my hand to my forehead.. just a dream, it was just a dream.. I sigh in relief, but I can still feel my body shaking, I turn and look at my clock on my bed side table.

4:06am... ugh there's no way I can sleep after that. I think about my nightmare, I get them a lot, they're memories from my past, just thinking about the nightmare, well the memory of Brandon brings tears to my eyes, before I know it I'm crying hysterically, sobbing my heart out. My body is shaking uncontrollably and I can't breath, it hurts too much my chest feels like it's caving in, my eyes are so blurred I can't see a thing. I start to panic, I don't know how to breath or see. I feel someone grab my arm making me jump and screech, I can't see who it is but I can hear them speaking to me.

"Shh it's okay, breath, clam down just breath slow, follow my breaths"  They whisper in my ear while stroking my hair. I don't know who it is but for some reason I feel safe in their arms. I slowly feel my breaths slowing down and go back to normal. The person lays me down and wraps their arms around my waist, soothing out my hair, I slowly feel my eyes getting heavier and just before I fall asleep I hear them whisper in my ear.

"No one is ever going to hurt you, Princess" I fell asleep after that, but one thing hit me.. I recognise that voice... where? My nightmare! Then I blanked out.


I could hear wind, heavy wind coming through my room, I had slept so well because of.. that person, I remember their arms around me, I stretched to fell them, but they weren't there anymore, a frown settled on my face, I suddenly felt cold and lonely, I opening my eyes to see no one but me, I frowned I could have sworn someone was here. And I couldn't help but feel sad that who ever it was didn't stay,

I felt a breeze and looked over at my window, it was wide open... I didn't dream it. I turned back to the other side of my bed, I smelt something amazing. Men's aftershave? I picked up the pillow and inhaled it, I felt my heart flutter, what is happening to me? Someone was here, I didn't dream it I'm certain. I looked at my clock to see it was 1pm, I should probably get up.. I sigh and heave myself out of bed and walk into my bathroom, I look awful, bags under my eyes, my hairs a mess and I have tear stains all down my cheeks.

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