Chapter 28~ Meeting Her.

Start from the beginning

"HI my name is Wanda," she introduced herself with a thick Mexican accent. 

"Nice to meet you Wanda. My name is Bianca and this is my boyfriend Zayn," I greeted. 

"Hey," Zayn says. She smirked, too. What is up with this smirking  disease?! 

Wanda showed us the way to go. We passed by patients who were yelling and screaming, patients who were running naked and nurses with medium size syringes hurtling after them to calm them down or give  them their medications. This reminded me so much of the nightmare I had but the only difference was Zayn. He was still the normal person I get to see everyday from now on. He wasn't glowing or anything. I think that was a good sign, I think. I closed my eyes for a brief moment. 

 As I opened them, Wanda stopped walking and lead me and Zayn through this corridor door where it looked like a warehouse for mental people. It was just plain odd!

"She's right there," Wanda says pointing at a crooked woman's back. I stalled my response for a minute. My mother; sitting there still and calm as she's not moving a muscle. Her silver hair glistening as it curled at the tips of her hair. It was very messy and looks as if she hasn't combed her hair properly in years. Her back was hunched over and you can see her vertebrate with a naked eye. I felt awful just standing there looking at her from afar. 

"Ok, thank you Wanda," Zayn broke the silence. I shook my head from my thoughts bringing me back to reality.  He waited before me for a response. 

"Yes, thank you Wanda for all your help," I stammered. Wanda smiled and nodded. She left leaving Zayn, me, my mom and a house full of mentally ill people. 

I froze in my track unable to move. I was nervous for sure. My palms accumalte sweat. This was not a good sign at all. All of a sudden, fingers locked into mines. I traced it back to Zayn. He gave a tiny squeeze. 

"Nervous?" he asked sweetly. I stared directly into his hazel eyes. There was confidence in his eyes not mines. I gave him a worried glance. 

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" I whispered. He sighed.

"Everything's going to be alright. I'm here by your side," he advised me. I swallowed hard trying to get rid of the knot tied in my throat called fear. Zayn patted my back. 

"I promise, there's nothing to be afraid of your own biological mother, Bianca." 

He was right! Why shall I be afraid of meet my mother. After all she is my mom. She will love me no matter what. 

I exhaled then inhaled through my nose again. 

"Ok, I can do this," I told myself. I walked slowly with Zayn. As we approached her, I became to twitch but Zayn kept squeezing my hand sending me signals that everything's going to be fine. I let go of him and hesitated to tap her back. 

"Sharmin is that you?" I stuttered my mother's name. Oh gosh! The moment of truth whether she is my real mother or a false accusation. The woman turned her head around. 

My jaw nearly fell to the ground! My own mother was so beautiful! Even though shes old, but my is she beautiful! I noticed that Zayn has acknowledged her beauty, too. You can tell she's mentally ill by the looks of her eyes glaring at you. 

"Sharmin? Whose Sharmin? I was talking to spirits," she replied and started to ramble to air. I couldn't believe this. My mother is not well, she is really sick. I sat beside her on her bedside. I stared directly into her eyes preventing myself not to blink in order not to break the tension between us. 

"Mom, do you remember me? Do you know who I am?" I began with easy questions that can potentially spark up her memory. She stopped talking and sat there quietly for at least more than 20 minutes. She smiled and nodded. My face beamed with contained joy. Hences, she giggled for no reason. Then laughed really loud like a madwoman. I shot a glance at Zayn fishing for an answer from him but all he did was shrug. 

Rollercoaster (Sequel to "So We Meet Again?" Zayn Malik Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now