"You've got a little blood on your face." I stated bluntly, allowing my gaze to drift back down to his eyes which now glimmered with irritation. "And, your hair looks funny," I sniggered at him while he scowled and raised a hand up to touch his odd looking locks.

"This is your fault." He grumbled lowly. "I gotta take a shower now. But, I can't leave you here. So you have two options. You can either come into the bathroom with me, maybe help wash me up," he winked seductively at me, his prior irritation seemingly disappearing, "or you can go wait with Jason."

Squinting my eyes, I tapped my chin, as if thinking it over. "I think the answers rather obvious," I paused a moment, a playful smirk now painted on my face. "I'll go with you." I purred.

His eyes widened, probably not expecting that answer. "Wait, seriously?"

"No, dumbass." I bit out, rolling my eyes at his stupidity. Who does he think I am? Of course in gonna go with Jason, ain't not chance I'm taking a show with this boy's ass. Uh uh I don't think so.

His hopeful expression vanished in an instant. "Right, let go get him." He muttered, snatching my wrist in his large, rough hands then, before I could protest, was dragging my out of his room and towards Jason's. Once we arrived, outside his door, Justin -without knocking- pushed open the door then dragged me inside.

Damn, what's with this boy and dragging me around.

Jason was casually lounging on his bed, tossing a small red ball up into the air, then catching it. "Changed your mind already, sweetheart?" He purred, not even bothering to look in our direction.

"No, she did not, Jason. I just need to take a shower and I can't just leave her in my room, so, I'm gonna need you to watch her for a little." He explained. Gosh, he made it sound like I was some sort of dog. I shot him a look, but her merely brushed it off, giving my wrist a light squeeze.

"Shame. But, alright. I'll watch over her. Though, she might not want to leave when you get back." Jason remarked, staring directly at me with those stunning, enthralling blue eyes that managed to send chills down my spine with even the simplest glance. That boy is just something else.

"You don't get to make that decision." Justin grunted out, his grip tightening around my wrist. I shot him another look then elbowed him in the side, causing him to flinch and to jerk away from me. "Stop that." He hissed at me, then returned his attention to his brother. I rolled my eyes at that, then looked back at Jason.

"I never said I did. But, she can make that decision." Jason grinned at his cousin devilishly. "And she might. I can be, pretty convincing when I want to be." He gently bit down on his low lip then shot me a sly, sexy wink. I almost smiled, but I stopped myself, although my cheeks warmed despite me fighting against it.

"Shut the fuck up Jason. She's staying with me and that's final. That decision has already been made and you can't change Jack shit about it." Justin snarled possessively. Jason raised his hands in surrender, though he still wore a rather sexy smirk on his rather sexy face. "Now, just watch her for like ten minutes." Justin grumbled after regaining his composure.

"That I shall do." Jason purred, running his tongue over his pink lips while looking me directly in the eye. Justin grunted, before releasing me and stalking out of the room. What a baby. "Big baby." Jason muttered, looking at me with a smirk. Whelp, looks like we got a mindreader.

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