“I'm beginning to wonder why I even want to help you out in the first place,” she mumbled to herself as I rolled my eyes.

N: Hey Li-Li!

N: Liam?

L: Hey Niall...sorry it's not really a good time right now. I'm sorta packing to move.

N: What? Why! Where are you moving to?

L: I'm moving in with a friend, I lost my job and she's going to help me out for a month or so. /:

N: Damn that sucks man...

L: Yeah, but...I'll survive.

N: I hope so! Hey, don't let me bother you. Message me if you need someone to talk to!

L: Thanks Niall, means a lot! Bye!

I shut my computer and looked back at Kate who was flipping through one of my anatomy books.

“Are you almost ready?” she asked, not lifting her head from the book as she asked.

“This is a big step Kate,” I huffed and she chuckled softly.

“I live three blocks away Liam, it's not like you're moving out forever,” she replied, looking at me seriously. She was right, but I wasn't done giving her grief about making me move in with her.

“Let's just go,” I growled, picking up my suitcase and going out to her car.


It was actually kind of fun hanging out with Kate at her flat all day until Jay came home and acted like he had no idea I had gotten fired even though he clearly told Kate earlier..

“Sorry to hear about it Liam,” Jay spoke, patting my back and I had to fight to not roll my eyes.

“It's fine, I'm going to bed. See you in the morning,” I said, although it was mainly aimed at Kate and Jay knew it. I went down the hall to my room and locked my door so nobody would bother me for the rest of the night. I puled my laptop onto my lap and I saw Niall was online; thank goodness.

L: Hey Niall, in the mood to talk?

Niall is typing...

N: I told you that I was available if you needed someone (:

L: Good because I have a lot I want to let out...

N: Shoot.

L: I fucking hate Kate's boyfriend.

N: Kate...isn't she like one of your best friends? What's up with her boyfriend?

L: Yeah she is, but her boyfriend is juWst...well he's a dick. I worked with him and he was always rubbing it in how he had a better job than me, but he would do it indirectly you know?

N: Yeah, that's annoying haha. Sorry to hear it Li.

God I loved it when he called me Li...

L: It just sucks. Why did I have to lose my stupid job?

N: You were too good for them? (:

L: I wish (:

N: I'm sure you'll find a new job though.

L: I hope so!

N: So what did you do all day?

L: Kate and I just hung out mostly.

N: Do you like, have feelings for her?

L: No way!

N: Oh..haha.

L: I have to go Niall, I'm exhausted. I'll talk to you tomorrow?

N: Sounds good Li! Have a good night! 

The Runaway ***NIAM AU***Where stories live. Discover now