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This is my first fanfiction on this account, I've had many other accounts, but I've kinda abandoned them 😂 I just wanna give credit to sanicfangurl for helping me with ideas! Go check out her account! Anyways, let's start!

A heavy sigh manages to escape my lips. The summer breeze wisps across the top of my head, behind my ears, sending a small chill down my spine. I tilt my head down slowly towards the crisp green grass, my ear twitches slightly in annoyance and a bit of frustration, due to the constant chatter to my right. I glance up, only to see the azure hedgehog at my side, his emerald eyes sparkling as he rambles on about his story, that I have no interest in. I shake my head slightly, peaking upwards. I squint a bit as the sun rays pierce through the gaps in the trees' branches and leaves. Why, of all people, do I let him around me?

Sonic looks over at me, a bit of concern being drawn to him. He taps my shoulder ever so lightly, grabbing my attention. "What.." I growl, annoyed that he constantly wants to 'hang out' with me.

"Pretty epic story, huh Shads?" He questions, smirking with a clear tone of cockiness in his voice. "Sure, whatever you want it to be," I'm in no interest to engage in a conversation with anyone, especially, him. "Why so glum, chum?" He chuckles. "I'm not your chum." He's such an idiot.

"Say what you want, you're one of my closest friends Shads!"
"Don't, call me Shads."
"Oh c'mon, it's just a nickname—" I turn towards him, my eyes sharp, burning with anger and annoyance that would be clear to anyone. His pupils dilate, his hands raise in playful defence. "Alright, alright, don't get pushy with me, you know how I roll," Unfortunately I do. And it drives me fucking insane.

I roll my eyes unenthusiastically. "Is there ever a time, where you can just leave me alone?" I turn away from him, beginning to walk in the opposing direction. My ear twitches at the sound of footsteps behind me.

"Don't act like you don't like my company," I glance over and he's already three feet in front of me. How the hell did I miss that. "It's not acting you stupid hedgehog, it's the truth. I can't stand you." I begin to pick up my pace, passing him. He snickers behind me. Can't I ever have two minutes of silence?

"Suuurrrrre," He slurs, chuckling. I groan, walking faster. "Ever since I've starting hanging out with you, you've become... Uh....Slightly less emo!" He's already in front of me, showing me a pinch with his fingers, millimetres away from each other. "Watch your mouth," I lightly shove him out of my path, continuing to walk.

"Don't be such a negative nancy Shadow, you'll just ruin it for everyone else," I feel something small land on my forehead. I place my hand on my head, to hear he crinkling of a leaf on my head, which bits are now mixed in with my fur. Great. Sonic rushes up behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders, his breathing on my neck. What the actual hell does he think he's doing, after annoying me this much.

"Lemme get that for ya." He tip-toes, feeling the weight increase on my shoulders, knowing he's pressing on them. A soft, yet warm breath creeps up over my head, blowing the bits of leaf out of my fur. I growl, whipping around, seeing him plop onto the grass. "Would you just, get out of my life, for ten minutes?" I clench my fists, eyes sharp.

He slowly stands back up, slightly annoyed with me. I don't know why he's annoyed, he really shouldn't be. He places two fingers on his forehead and closes his eyes, a small, slightly angry frown on his muzzle, mirror to mine. "Well, I'm not the one being a total asshole right now." He looks at me, his emeralds piercing through rubies. I can feel my blood boil. "Don't use that tone with me. If anyone's acting like an asshole right now, it's you, for sticking your nose into all of my fucking personal space!" I argue back. I am not stoping until I get my point across the table here.

He leans his face about two inches closer to mine. "Back off, you stupid hedgehog." I retort, crossing my arms. "And what if I don't? Are you just going to shove me out of your life like you did five minutes ago?" He whips the comment at me like smacking someone in the face with a live fish. I open my mouth for a comeback, when I hear a ringing sound coming from Sonic.

He pulls back, thank god. He sticks a hand into his azure quills, pulling out a phone. "Could we put this argument that I'm clearly winning on hold?" He smirks as he answers the call. I roll my eyes, sighing. His back faces me, his free hand with his pinky finger in his ear. Typical stupidity. I can hear him mumbling things like "Yeah," or "Mhmm," but I can't make out who he's talking to exactly. As he's talking, even though I've lost interest, something stood out in the conversation. His tone had sunk.

After he got off of the phone, and shoved it back into his quills, which mysteriously have pockets, but I won't question, I faced him. "Lemme guess, Rose wants you at her place for a girly tea party," I chuckle in my mind.

He looks at me annoyed. "Now look who's the asshole here. Anyways, that was Silver. He told me that him and Blaze went to see Amy, turns out she's got a real bad flu. She's weak, and not looking too good." How does one get so sick? I've never experienced a cold or an illness, and it always puzzles me.

"Roses' sick? And let me guess, they want you to rush over to her house and take care of her."
"No, Silver and Blaze are taking care of her. But if they need me, they'll give me a call. Now, back to our argument that I'm currently winning," He smirks. He opens an eye, only to notice that I'm already several metres ahead of him. "Hey! I'm not done yet!"
"But I was." And that's that. He rushes up next to me, frowning. "Shadow, can I just—"
"Just what." I question as I continue to walk, not stopping to care. "Can you just...Just.. Give me a chance, okay?" He continues to walk not too far behind me, leaving an imprint in my mind with his comment.


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