Their life philosophies were put to the test when an attempt was made on Andrew's life, Robert was quick to dive in front of him but before Robert could disarm the assassin Isobel drew a pistol from her handbag and shot him in the head.

Robert learned two things from that trip, the merits of diplomacy and Isobel Locke was the toughest women he'd ever meet.
The two began a secret relationship after the ordeal but Robert was deployed again and they haven't seen each other since.

"Well e'llo beautiful." Robert said trying to be romantic.
"You were never very good at foreplay but I can forgive you." Isobel said smiling, Robert was taken aback by Isobel's style and sass as usual but here emerald eyes were his weakness.
"You've stopped straightening your hair Robert said coercing her cheek.
"Well you said I looked prettier when I'm myself." She said whilst Robert ran his fingers through her raven curls.

"Damn I missed you." Robert said whilst kissing her neck.
"Stop it my family are downstairs, besides you're the one that went back and left me alone." Isobel said trying to look away but she couldn't stop blushing.

"Your dad and Ali have gone hunting and your mother went over to a friend's house for tea, so we have the house all to ourselves." Robert said looking at her lips intensely.
"Oh don't you dare you had your chance, what if I meet someone else." Isobel said teasingly.

"Do I look like I care." Robert said whilst grabbing her waist and then she slapped him across the chest, the connection was do loud it frightened nearby birds outside.
They looked at each other intensely and then Robert grabbed her and put her over his shoulder.
" Stop it!" Isobel giggled Robert carried her to her bedroom.

The British embassy
The room was filled with the sort Robert expected, spineless politicians and bored security guards. Robert scanned the room for threats even though this was the safest place Isobel could be in all of Paris.
"Excuse me sir what are you doing here." The British diplomat said with a slight hint of aggression in his voice."

"Are can I help you's in short supply or something?" Robert asked casually, it's no secret that black people in France were treated as second class citizens and were often unemployed as a result. Having said that Robert was well dressed, he had a grey high collar coat that went down to his hips, navy straight legged jeans and dark leather gloves for tonight's
'business' so he didn't look like someone looking for a handout.

Robert's British accent even though it was a cockney one didn't put the diplomat at ease.
"I'm afraid so,what are you doing here!" The diplomat said pointing at Robert.
"Wouldn't you like to know" Robert grinned.

Two security guards approached with batons in hand, Robert reached for his pocket the security guards authorized to carry guns drew them and Robert of course drew his trusty.... Black pen.

"Alright c'mon then." Robert said clicking his pen. The two guards with batons were quick to charge him , Robert stabbed one of the guards in the neck even though it was a harmless pen Robert managed to draw blood, he used the momentum to throw the guard to the ground. The other guard swung for his head with no luck, all those wild swings kept the guard off balance so a leg sweep knock out was all too easy.
The diplomat was shocked and the armed guards took Robert into custody.

Isobel's office

" Oh you should have seen it, the cocky black bastard took down two guards with a pen in about 5 seconds no less, but don't worry he's in custody." The diplomat said with enthusiasm
"(sigh).......Alright I'm making my way down to the holding cell." Isobel sighed.
Isobel walked through the embassy with vigour as she made her way to the holding cell.

"Are you sure you want to go in alone, the primal strength this man possesses makes him dangerous and I can't hear what goes on in there, If you don't want a bodyguard I'll go with you." The diplomat warned Isobel but also trying to prop himself up.
"Look I know you think your protecting me from 'the scary black man' but quite frankly you watch way too much television." Isobel said before she slammed the door behind her.

Isobel entered the holding cell she gazed at her husband who was toying around with his black pen.

"Well you're the one who told me that the pen is mightier than the sword." Robert said trying to break the ice but it was just as solid as ever and Isobel didn't say a word.
"Well I thought that was funny, why is he still standing out there?" Robert asked casually.

" Oh Anderson, Well I don't know, maybe he's afraid what you might do to me, anyway what the hell are you doing here?"
"Me? just wanted to see yah,He's actually still outside." Robert starred into his soul behind the locked door.
"Well maybe he's afraid you'll grab me and put me over your shoulder." Isobel smiled
"Maybe he should be." Robert said before they kissed, Anderson's jaw dropped.

They both walked out the holding cell and walked towards Isobel's car.
"So how's work?" Robert asked whilst Isobel stealthy held his hand. Robert was never really fond of hand holding, who knows maybe it has something to do with his rocky formative years. But Isobel was pretty persistent and Robert learned to love it, hell they're both 40 something and still doing it.

"Well France is in the middle of a presidential election so i've been busy." Isobel said as she started to close her eyes thinking about the workload waiting for her tomorrow.
"Bit early, shouldn't yah wait till someone's won before you all start whoring yourselves out." Robert said as he put his arm around her shoulder and she leaned in to him.
"Oh no the PM wants those trade deals secured asap so we're all putting our cheap makeup and short skirts on." Isobel yawned
"Even Anderson? " Robert asked.
"Especially Anderson." They both started giggling.

"So how's work, you look tired." Isobel looked up at him.
"Work's been hectic latley." Robert said
"Oh I know, I'm sure killing terrorists in pubs is demanding." Isobel said sarcastically as she leaned into him again.

"How'd you know?" Robert asked
"The papers said a large black man in his late 40's entered and well no one else walked out." Isobel said still looking for her keys.
"It had to be done Belle, Ali gave me this high tech brace thing honestly it's like the accident never happened." Robert said looking at his leg.

"Well I still remember it as clear as day, your leg looked like a jigsaw puzzle after the operation." Isobel said still looking for her car keys.
"I've just got to kill some lone amateur and I'm going back behind a desk I swear." Robert promised and he took a glance inside the bag and grabbed the keys even though it was pitch black in the bag as well as outside.

"Alright last one or I'm done I'm not letting you put me through anything like that again clear." Isobel said with aggression.
"Crystal." Robert said kissing her on the forehead.

Chivalry: Prologue Where stories live. Discover now