Chapter 17: Pain is Temporary*

Start from the beginning

Adrian sat down on the couch. "Do you need to get home? You still have school tomorrow." He waved me off. "I already finished my homework for tonight," He brushed his dirty blonde locks from his forehead.

"either way, I would not miss out on free pizza." I laughed at his comment.

We sat there in silence for a bit, waiting for the pizza delivery guy.

When the door bell rang, Adrian tried to stop me but I got up and hobbled to the door anyways.

I opened it to see a pretty handsome guy, probably early 20's holding my pizza.

"Hey," He said in a flirty voice. "That'll be $23.67." He smiled.

"Alright," I smiled handing him the thirty bucks. "you can keep the change." I told him kindly.

He smiled. "Hey would  you maybe want to go out-" before he could finish, Adrian came up behind me. "Sorry pal, she's taken." And then he shut the door in his face.

"Adrian," I squeaked. "that wasn't nice." I scolded him and he just smirked smugly.

"He's an idiot anyway." He shrugged his shoulders and took the pizzas from me.

I opened the door and called out to the guy. "Sorry!" He just waved his hand and got back in his car.

I sighed walking to the kitchen where Adrian opened the pizza boxes.

"Hey what do you want?" He asked taking a paper plate from the ones I got out.

"I'll have a cheese, a pepperoni, and I guess I'll try some meat lovers." I laughed sitting on the stool in front of him.

He served me the pizza. "I'll grab you a drink, what do you want?" He asked, reaching into the drink drawer.

I had forgotten he knew where everything was because he spent spring break here.

I sighed thinking back to those amazing days.

"I'll have a lemonade." I told him, nibbling on the cheese piece.

He grabbed one for me and got himself a Pepsi.

"Alright let's eat," he grabbed three pieces of meat lovers' and a piece of pepperoni.

We sat there at the counter eating and talking. It was nice to hang out with my friend again.

I took a bite of the meat lover's slice and moaned at the delicious flavor.

Adrian smirked. "That good huh?" He wiped some sauce off my face with a napkin.

I nodded, not even caring that he was watching me eat like a little piggy.

He had finished his pizza five minutes ago, I on the other hand was a very, very, very slow eater and had only just finished my cheese piece.

      He smiled a real smile, like the first time I'd met him in that hallway, the first of many times he kept me from falling on my ass.

Curves In A Bikini (Completed & Partially Edited)Where stories live. Discover now