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Based on the movie. That awkward moment.

You were very innocent, but when you were out with your friends you were very naughty. You and your friend swerve out at rhe club along with your boyfriend Micheal and a few of his friends. They were over by the bar while you and your girls were dancing. You were grinding on your friends and having fun. You were kind of drunk. You danced for about an hour. You then walked over to the bar and sat next to Micheal. He says
" So I see your having fun"
"Yeah, but tell your friends to back off of my girls. Cuz I don't like sharing my toys." You take your shot and go back out to dance. Micheal follows you. He comes up behind you and you grind. Be grabs onto you and you twerk. Your bestfriend looks over at you and laughs. She tries to avoid looking at you Baca use she knows how you are. PARTY ANIMAL.
Micheal whispers in your ear
"Ooh you. Little freaky tonight huh?"
"Just bang a little .........NAUGHTY."
The two of you dance for a long time. when you go home you try to seduce Micheal. You were so drunk and he wanted you. You two had a night of fun. The next morning you went to your bast friend Stacy's house, and left Micheal at home. She immediately says
"What the heck girl?!, I seen you last night. That is the last time I let you talk me into going out with you."
Just then Michael's friend walks down stairs (Zac efforon)
"But I see you had fun right." You wink at her as he kisses her neck and you leave.

Shout out to lovelywriting200 her nick name is Stacy. Even though she would never do anything like that I would so love you girl.

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