Lay With Me

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You and Micheal he'd just woken up and he had to go to work. You didn't want him to go. You saw him getting out of bed, you grabbed his wrist and said
"No don't leave"
"I have to go babe, you know I do"
"But I don't want you to."
"I have go go *kisses you on the forehead*"
"Five more minutes, lay with me. Plz."
"Ok, five more minutes then I have to go get ready."
He lays back down and you snuggle into his side. He pulls you close and places his hand around your waist. You lean up and kiss him. It starts out as just regular kisses and then it turned into a full on make out session. He gets ready and before he leaver out you say.
"So, this afternoon how about a little late night Creed training."
He gives you a kiss and bites his lip.
"Yeah, definitely babe."

Michael B JordanKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat